Westview Secondary held their Winter Concert virtually this month!
Three classes performed. Our Beginning Band 5-6-7 class are all students new to their instrument as of September, 2021 and they meet one hour a week at WSS. The Advanced Band 6/7 class are all second year players and performed three songs. Six students also were able to be involved in the reading of a poem that goes along with the chart, Creatures In the Attic. The Jazz Band 9-12 class meets twice a week before school year long and this concert featured quite a few soloists.
Take a listen to the concert here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ME9H70dZ_dPTvmHBh9X-C-MjDj0k4GSn/view?usp=sharing
If you would like to check out more band info, check here: https://sites.google.com/view/westviewmusic/home