Welcome Back!
On June 29th, 2020 the BC Ministry of Education released the K–12 Education Restart Plan which placed ALL schools in BC in Stage 2 beginning September 2020. Stage 2 is full time, in-school instruction for all students in grades 8-12. Students will attend school in learning cohorts (Learning Groups). A cohort (Learning Group) is a group of students that have the same classes and this includes teachers and staff who are teaching and supporting students and is not to exceed 120 students for secondary schools.
Since that time we have been working to put into place a safe and positive return for the students at Westview Secondary School. Tomorrow, Friday, August 28th, families will receive a learning preference survey from the school district to help us support our planning and to help meet the learning needs of families.
In the survey, you will be asked for your preference of :
● Return to full-time in-classroom instruction in cohorts of up to a maximum of 120 students (as outlined in the current Westview plan which is outlined below)
● Blended instruction – learning that is tied to Westview (home school) and combines both in-class instruction and remote learning (similar to our plan for grade 10-12s outlined below)
● Full time remote learning supported by a teacher
● Homeschooling (a family member delivers the entire educational program to children at home)
Today’s newsletter will focus on student schedules & structures for our return and provide information to allow families to complete the SD42 survey. The week of August 31st, further newsletters will be sent with specific information for return to school, specific dates and times as well as information regarding health and safety protocols.
2020-21 Quarter System
Like most school districts in the Fraser Valley & Lower Mainland, Westview (and all secondary schools in SD42) will implement a quarter system this year where students will take TWO courses for approximately TEN weeks. This model allows for the creation of Learning Groups (Cohorts) that meet provincial requirements. The quarter system also means students will have only two courses to complete at any one time. For example, a grade nine student may take Math and Spanish in quarter 1 followed by Leadership and Photography. Quarter 3 might include PE and English and the year would conclude with Socials Studies and Science.
Cohort Size by Grade
As a result of the new Stage 2 requirements of Learning Groups of 120, our school schedule for all students had to be recreated. The Learning Group cohort sizes are below.
The grade 11/12 cohort size is larger as students in our grad program are able and encouraged to take many different elective courses as part of their graduation plan. Building student schedules that didn’t require changing or eliminating student elective choices meant that the cohort size is larger, but still below the 120 which was stipulated by provincial health officer.
● Grade 8s = student cohort size is 6 groups of approximately 25
● Grade 9s = student cohort size is 2 groups of approximately 60-70
● Grade 10s = student cohort size is 2 groups of approximately 50-80
● Grade 11/12s = student cohort size 2 groups of approximately 110
Daily Schedule (Staggered Entry, Lunch & Exit)
To support physical distancing when students are outside of their cohort, we will have staggered entry in the morning, at lunch and at the end of day exit. Grade 8s, Juniors and Seniors will all enter the school at different times, have their own lunch break and exit the school at different times.
● Grade 8s will begin their first class at 8:40am
● Grade 9/10s will begin their first class at 8:55am
● Grade 11/12s will begin their first class at 9:10am
Grade 8 & 9 Schedule (Quarter System)
The schedule below consists of two classes (blocks A & B). Students will be in the same cohort for each class. Each morning will start with 20 minutes of blended learning. Students can enter the school at any point during that time. This time will allow students to enter the school and go directly to their class and begin independent self-directed learning while they wait for their first class to begin. The school day will also conclude with a 20 minute blended learning time where students will leave school for the day to continue their work at home and teachers will have time to manage digital learning on Google Classroom, Westview’s digital learning platform.
Grade 10-12 Schedule (Quarter System)
The schedule below consists of two classes (blocks A & B). Each morning will start with 20 minutes of blended learning. Students can enter the school at any point during that time. This time will allow students to enter the school and go directly to their class and begin independent self-directed learning while they wait for their first class to begin.
Students in grades 10-12 will be in class for the entire morning and have two in-class sessions. The afternoons will provide opportunities for blended learning with grade 10s OR grades 11 and 12 working in class and the other grade(s) of students working self-directed at home. The afternoon schedule will be balanced allowing all students to be present for the same amount of time with their teacher while also allowing time for students to engage in and staff to support blended learning.
For example, a grade 10 student would be in-class every morning (Monday to Friday) and then would attend in-class Monday and Thursday and be self-directed at home Tuesday and Wednesday. Attendance Friday afternoons would rotate between the two groups.
Similarly, a grade 11 or 12 student would be in-class every morning (Monday to Friday) and then would attend in-class Tuesday and Wednesday and be self-directed at home on Monday and Thursday.
Have a Question? Please contact Mr. Rowell, WSS’s Principal at drowell@sd42.ca.