HANEY HAPPENINGS Thursday, November 27
- POST-SECONDARY DAY: Thomas Haney is hosting its Post-Secondary Day today starting at 9 am. Universities and colleges throughout B.C. will be here in the rotunda. All grade 11 and 12 students should attend this seminar.
- Mrs. Evans’ 4th period Midsummer Night’s Dream float block is cancelled today
CAFÉ Today: Chicken Quesadillas Soup: Carrot and Leek Friday: Greek Chicken Souvlaki Soup: Chicken Noodle |
There are two new THSS logos for clothing. Clothing will be on sale from November 18 – January 16. Samples to try on for sizing will be available at lunch outside of the Rotunda. Pictures and order forms will be located on the board next to the Intramural board (outside the rotunda). There will be t-shirts, long sleeves, hoodies, crewnecks, and sweat pants available. All details and prices will be on the order forms.
FRENCH 11 STUDENTS: Attention! If you have not yet seen the FIRST HOUR of le Petit Nicolas because you missed your French class, Mme Ryan and Mme Preddy will have a final showing of this in Y block on Monday, Dec. 1 in room 2145. Be prompt please!
THSS CLOTHING DRIVE November 24 – December 15:
We are accepting clean and gently used clothing, sheets, blankets, towels, purses, shoes, hats, mitts, boots and sewing materials. Donations go to the Developmental Disabilities Association to raise funds for ‘Free the Children: We Create Change’ project. Every $50.00 earned buys a goat for a family in need overseas! Drop off bags of clothing next to the Lost & Found Box just past the office. Important: Label all bags with TA number for a chance to win a TA pizza lunch!
SKIERS AND BOARDERS: there are 10 more spots that need to be filled for both the Cypress and Whistler ski and board trips in order for them not to be cancelled. See Mr. Williams or Ms. Fischer with your forms and money by tomorrow, Friday Nov. 28. Last chance or the trips may be cancelled!
THE KEY CLUB is hosting a toy drive to collect Christmas presents for underprivileged children between the ages of 2 – 12. If you have any unused toys, please bring them to the office before December 1.
CRAFT FAIR VOLUNTEERS: Please be reminded that Craft Fair set-up is tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 28 after school, and take down is Sunday, Nov. 30 @ 4:00.
November 29 (9am – 12pm) – Kwantlen’s Athlete Recruitment Day
This inaugural event will connect high school athletes with KPU Eagles coaches to ask questions, and find out more about KPU’s programs and campus life. All athletes presently in Gr. 11 & 12, who are interested in playing varsity level men & women’s basketball, soccer, golf, and badminton, are invited to attend. Find out more at kpu.ca/athletes-recruitment-day.
November 29 (1pm – 4pm) – Kwantlen’s Surrey Discovery Day
This event is specifically designed for Gr. 11 & 12 students to explore academic and career opportunities. There will be presentations on KPU’s programs, talks by current students, and interactive booths and activities from various departments. Find out more at kpu.ca/surreydd.
GRAD FEES are available to be paid on the parent portal.
Cap & Gown $50.00, Dinner / Dance $60.00 per ticket (you can purchase 2 if you are bringing a guest), Dry Grad $30.00 per ticket (you can purchase 2 if you are bringing a guest). Parents will be welcome to attend early at Meadow Gardens for photos, but the Dinner / Dance is for students and one guest only (not parents).
THSS GRAD PHOTOS: If you haven’t already booked your grad portraits, please go to www.mountainwest.ca/ and book your appointment online. There are still appointments available on January 13 and 14.
Grad Parent Tributes: Each year, Grad parents are invited to prepare a tribute to their grad that is published in the yearbook (along with a baby photo). The parent tribute fee is available as of December 1, 2014 on line for payment ($30). Or you can pay Mrs. Shamro in the office. Please submit your parent tribute to Mr. Crawford before January 16, 2015. 300 characters (including spaces) to THSSgrad2015@gmail.com. The photo must be scanned at highest resolution (300 dpi) and sent using same email address. This will be published in the 2014-2015 yearbook. Mr. Crawford requires two photos – one baby photo and one toddler photo
For more information from the Career Centre about all work experience opportunities, post-secondary information and scholarship information, please see the Career Centre website (http://schools.sd42.ca/thscareer/), bulletin boards and/or newsletter.
Career Info Night: Hosted by Maple Ridge Secondary for grades 10, 11 and 12 and their parents in the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows district. This is an opportunity to listen and interact with a wide variety of people active in their professions and trades. The date is Wednesday, December 3 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Pre-register online at www.mapleridgesecondary.ca and click on Career Information Night.
Page Program: Become a page at the House of Commons. This is a unique opportunity to learn about the Canadian parliamentary system. Each year, 40 exceptional students from across Canada are selected to take part in this program. This is for graduating grade 12 students with an academic average of 80% and can speak both official languages. Apply online at parl.gc.ca/hocpage by December 8.
- SFU Program Info and How to Finance Post-Secondary Fair: tonight, November 26th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. For more information and how to register please visit: http://www.sfu.ca/students/events/choose-your-program.html
- UBC’s Faculty of Engineering Open House: Saturday, November 29th from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm at UBC.
- UBC’s Sauder School of Business is having an open house on Saturday, November 29 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.
- Emily Carr’s National Portfolio Day is on Saturday, December 6 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Quest for Excellence: Remax of Canada will reward 16 bursaries of $1,000 each. The application deadline is: March 9, 2015. Enter at www.remax.ca