A caring and respectful school environment is essential to successful teaching, learning and understanding. To promote a positive climate, that supports learning, we have identified appropriate standards and expectations to guide behaviour. These expectations take into consideration the importance for each student to be an active participant in a safe and caring school community. Therefore, there is a focus on personal development, social interactions and community responsibility.
Each student at Thomas Haney Secondary School is subject to the Code of Conduct while on the school premises, in going to and returning from school, at all school-sponsored functions, and while representing the school. As well, staff members have the responsibility to fairly and consistently address concerns, which arise in relation to the Code of Conduct. The intent of the Code of Conduct is to provide guidelines, which promote inclusion and participation, listening and speaking, remembering and thinking. Together we can protect and cultivate a space where all students can be safe and positively contribute to our community.
Underlying the Code of Conduct are particular rights and responsibilities, including:
1. You have the right to learn. You have the responsibility to actively participate and be a responsible learner.
2. You have the right to be respected. You have the responsibility to respect others.
3. You have the right to be safe. You have the responsibility to behave in a safe manner and to protect the safety of others.
4. You have the right to privacy and security of personal space.
You have the responsibility to respect the property and privacy of others.
1. You have the right to use school equipment and property. You have the responsibility to use the equipment and property in accordance with school rules and with care and respect.
Rising Expectations: Expectations for student conduct for younger students differ from those for other students, as they do for students with special needs who are unable to meet expectations due to a disability. It is expected as students move through successive grades, become older and more mature, they will be more socially responsible and practice greater self-discipline. As such older students may face increased consequences for inappropriate behaviour.
Response to Code of Conduct Violations:
– Responses to unacceptable conduct will be judicious, thoughtful, consistent, and fair.
– The focus on any intention will be preventative and restorative in nature, rather than merely punitive.
– Whenever possible, students will be encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful interventions through discussion and mediation.
– Decisions made with respect to the individual, while considering age, maturity and past conduct. Interventions will not discriminate against a student who cannot meet an expectation because of a disability.
– Every effort will be made to support students. However, if there is “ongoing conduct issues” after having implemented intervention, progressive discipline may included, but not limited to suspensions, change of program, change of school, or involvement of police when behaviour included criminal code violation.
– School officials may inform the parents of all students involved, school district officials, the police, others agencies or the parents of all students when the whole school community needs to be reassured that a serious situation is addressed.
– Reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against the person who reported a Code of Conduct Issue.
Statement of Purpose:
– To honestly reflect your understanding.
– To provide an accurate assessment of your learning and participation in learning activities.
Conduct Expectations:
– Students must not plagiarize work. Plagiarism is the copying or reproduction of any work without referencing original authors.
– To complete your own work and gain understanding through asking questions, clarifying, revising and seeking teacher guidance.
Unacceptable Conduct:
– Copying more than five words in a row, or paraphrasing from a text (e.g. book, magazine, software program, reference manual, internet site, video script, television program) without giving appropriate credit.
– Handing in work to a teacher (whether as a draft or for credit) which is the same as another student’s work.
– Allowing another student to copy your work. Group work is encouraged, but submitted work must be your own work.
– Completing a test for another student (fraud) or asking a student to write a test for you (harassment).
– Cheating on a test. You may only used approved material or information when writing any form of assessment (test, exam, essay, lab, etc.). You must not engage in talking, or looking at another student’s test/exam to view answers.
Possible Consequences:
– May forfeit eligibility for awards, other recognitions, and school privileges.
– May be required to complete assessments and learning activities under strict invigilated conditions until level of trust is regained.
– May be given a “0” for the assignment or assessment.
– May result in suspension or other course-based consequences (e.g. withdrawal from the course).
Dress Guidelines
The school district is committed to providing students with learning environments that are safe, responsive, and inclusive. The district recognizes that decisions about dress reflect individual expression of identity, socio-cultural norms, and that they are personal.
Students may attend school and school-related functions in dress of their choice provided that their choices:
– Conform with established health and safety requirements for the intended activity;
– Do not represent or promote alcohol or drugs;
– Use respectful language;
– Do not depict or promote violence, racism, sexism or discrimination; and
– Are not intimidating to others.
Ultimately, the school administration has the responsibility to apply the dress guidelines when necessary. If any person dresses in an inappropriate manner, the student should be advised personally and discretely and given an opportunity to meet school district guidelines.
Statement of Purpose:
– To develop positive relationship with the Teacher Advisor, teachers and students.
– To explore the vast opportunities available to succeed.
– To enjoy a quality learning experience.
Conduct Expectations:
– Attend regularly and be prepared to participate.
– Attend TA every day (unless previous arrangements have been made between the teacher advisor, student and parent).
– Attendance will be recorded every morning. If absent without prior notification, the THSS auto-dialer will phone your home.
– Attend all set blocks and contact times (e.g. Great Hall blocks).
– After TA students must proceed to learning environments as indicated in their planners.
– Parents will support the importance of regular attendance by encouraging (ensuring) their children/child attend all classes.
– Students who arrive late to school (anytime after TA) are required to sign in at the office. Students must provide an acceptable excuse and confirmation from a parent/guardian.
– Students who must leave the school during the school day must report to the office and sign-out. Students must present the office staff and TA with confirmation (e.g. note, phone call) from a parent/guardian granting permission to leave.
– If illness or other unavoidable reasons cause a child to miss school, the parent will write a note in the Student Planner and/or phone the school before 8:30 a.m. on the day the student missed. All notes should be delivered to the office and TA.
– School staff will inform parents and students in a timely manner when absences are a concern. Students who miss several contact times or classes may be required to have a set schedule, more contact times, or other consequences.
Unacceptable Conduct:
– Not attending regularly.
– Not informing the school of illness or reasons for absences.
– Leaving or being out of school without permission from parents and Administration (truancy). Not signing out at the office.
Statement of Purpose:
– To work together in developing a sense of community-mindedness and responsibility.
– All students and staff have a right to attend school in a safe and peaceful environment and the right to a learning environment free from bullying, harassment, intimidation, and dishonesty.
– To provide a safe environment to politely voice opinions without the fear of intimidation or harassment.
Conduct Expectations:
– Students and staff must be treated with respect and courtesy through display of appropriate behavioUr and speech.
– Members of the school community must display regard for all people, including, but not exclusive of, ethnicity, appearance, abilities and religion.
– Bullying, intimidation (verbal, physical, mental, etc.), harassment and possession or use of weapons are each forms of violence. These actions, whether uttered as threats or acted upon will not be tolerated.
– Visitors must report to the office and receive administrative permission to be in the school. Student guest passes must be applied for at least one day before the guest is expected to attend. Thomas Haney guests are responsible for their guests, and as such must bring them to the office immediately upon arrival.
Unacceptable Conduct:
– Discriminatory behaviour (eg. Inappropriate jokes, innuendos, insults, exclusion, or put downs) on a regular basis of the following (but not limited to): a person’s body, appearance, capacity colour, disability, religion, attire, age, economic status, ethnicity or national origin, real and / or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, etc.
– Violence, fighting, harassment, and intimidation (may result in suspension and police involvement).
– Slanderous comments, sexual suggestions, slang remarks, profanity, or other discriminatory terms.
– Social segregation, isolation, ignoring other students.
– Apathetic, unfriendly or manipulative behaviour towards other students or staff.
– Weapons, replicas or any item, which is used to harass or intimidate another person (may result in suspension, expulsion and police involvement).
– Inviting or allowing visitors into the building without pre-arranged permission.
Statement of Purpose:
– Students under the influence or in possession of illegal drugs or alcohol at school or at school events will result in disciplinary action (e.g. loss of privilege to attend future school events), and may include suspension, referral to a counsellor/assessment program, referral to other District supports, and police involvement. Personal assistance, with drug or alcohol related concerns, may be obtained from the Drug and Alcohol counsellor, or the school counsellors.
– To promote healthy bodies and to prevent students from being in an unsafe situation (e.g. second-hand smoke), THSS supports School District 42 Policy, which requires that all District facilities be smoke free. Therefore, smoking in the building or on school property is not permitted.
– To educate students about the addictive potential of nicotine and health risks associated with smoking. Thomas Haney Secondary discourages student smoking and attempts to educate students through the support of the Drug and Alcohol Prevention Worker, curriculum integrations (PE, Science, Home Economics, Planning, Health & Career Education, etc.).
Conduct Expectations:
– Students who want support or have concerns regarding drug or alcohol use should see the Drug and Alcohol Prevention Worker.
– There is absolutely no smoking, or tobacco use on school grounds, as per provincial legislation.
– To avoid congestion and in respect of our neighbours, students must not congregate nor leave any litter.
– Students who would like support or have concerns regarding smoking should see the drug and Alcohol Prevention Worker.
– Any student who chooses to smoke on the school grounds is liable for disciplinary action, including but not limited to suspension, search and seizure of products and associated items, and referral to a counselor.
Unacceptable Conduct:
– Arriving to school or any school function under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
– Encouraging other students to participate in alcohol or drug use.
– Smoking on school property and during instructional time (set blocks or flex time).
– Standing/ loitering on the side-streets or leaving garbage/ litter
ELECTRONIC DEVISES AND TECHNOLOGY (see also Acceptable Use Policy)
Statement of Purpose:
– To foster appropriate social interaction, respect for instruction and regard for learning by purposefully limiting distraction.
– To develop study-habits and strategies for learning.
– To maintain a quiet school environment when required in certain areas.
– To provide respectful, safe and responsible access to technology (see also Internet Acceptable Use Policy).
Conduct Expectations:
– Cellular phones and other social utilities (including text messaging, file sharing, etc.) must be turned off and not in use during instructional time at the request of the teacher.
Unacceptable Conduct:
– Phoning, text messaging or participating in a disruptive manner in study areas, great halls, classrooms or in the hallways during instructional time.
– Headphones in use or in ears during instruction or when speaking to another person (teacher or student).
– Viewing, displaying or using inappropriate content, such as on computers or other devices, including saved photos, video footage, etc.
Statement of Purpose:
– To promote a safe environment through responsible use of facilities, equipment, and vehicles.
– To ensure safety regulations are followed for the safety of all students and staff.
– To care for the school and property including textbooks, lockers, furniture and school equipment.
Conduct Expectations:
Facilities and Grounds
– Students and staff are expected to keep the school facilities and grounds tidy and neat. Food should only be consumed in designated areas. Individuals are expected to clean up after themselves (e.g. return trays, clean tables and stack chairs).
– Lockers are school equipment and may be loaned to students. Use only locks as indicated by the Administration. As property of School District 42, lockers may be subject to inspection by school personnel. Students may store school related materials and supplies in them. Students must not share lockers. Do not bring unnecessary items, valuables or large amounts of money to school. Do not tell anyone the combination to your locker.
Safety Rules in Classrooms
– Students are expected to know and abide by the safety rules for specific areas (e.g. cafeteria, gym, science labs, industrial education area, etc.).
Textbooks & Library Books
– Textbooks are obtained from the kiosk areas or assigned by teachers. Students are responsible for textbooks and library books and must return them in similar condition as when issued. Lost, damaged or stolen books must be found or paid for.
Transportation and Parking
– All staff and students are expected to demonstrate compliance with driving regulations. Everyone should exemplify safe, careful and courteous behaviour both when driving/riding motor vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, walking and when taking transit to and from the school. Parking is allowed only in specific designed areas. Violators will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Unacceptable Conduct:
-Intentional destruction of property, such as graffiti, litter, vandalism, theft of personal and/or school property. Not respecting property in the community (e.g. our neighbourhood).
– Lockers may not be used to store stolen property, drugs or alcohol, and/or other materials, which jeopardize the safety of the school. Students may be charged for damage to lockers.
– Parking in restricted areas.
– Congregating on roads surrounding the school.
– Careless use of other student’s materials or school equipment, such as provided in labs or classes.
– Leaving garbage in hallways, on school grounds or on neighbouring streets.
Statement of Purpose:
– To improve communication between student, parent and teacher.
Conduct Expectations:
– To plan goals and learning activities each week in consultation with your Teacher Advisor.
– A good weekly plan includes: subject, learning guide, activity/expectation, and work area for each day. It is helpful to add specific details regarding the activities and reminders for equipment such as calculators, pencils and maps.
– To have the planner with you at all times.
– To work in areas as planned and documented in your planner.
– To regularly and accurately (honestly) maintain completion of learning guides and assigned marks
– Parents should check goals and completion on a regular basis.
– Keep planners in good condition void of inappropriate content (e.g. graphics or text).
Unacceptable Conduct:
– Not completing weekly or daily goals.
– Missing TA and the opportunity to consult.
– Working in an area without teacher permission or not documented in the planner.