Student Transcripts
Starting September 24, 2017, the Ministry of Education and Child Care will launch StudentTranscripts, a web-based service that makes secure transcript sharing between students and participating post-secondary institutions quicker and more convenient. Students will also be able to access other information through this service, such as exam results and scholarship status. Please click on the link to see the poster with registration instructions for the new service: 195803 CounsellorsPoster_Sept12_FINAL
If you have questions about the new service, please contact the Ministry of Education and Child Care transcript team at:
At Westview, we strive to create the best learning opportunities for students. School can be an exciting place, and we work hard to provide you with the opportunities to make all 5 years the best experience possible. The key to being successful is getting involved and making positive connections. One of the wonderful aspects of high school is the chance you have to choose your own path.
In grade 8, students are exposed to a smaller learning community in which fewer teachers work with a group of students. This approach provides the advantages of a sense of belonging for students, an opportunity to develop group cooperation and a supportive academic environment in which to learn. Students take core academic classes (including the options of honours english and math), physical education and 2 elective explorations blocks, with mini-courses in a variety of fine arts, applied skills and health and career education classes. Students can also opt to take a full year of band, choir and/or soccer academy. Grade 9 opens doors to further choices, as we offer a wide variety of elective courses. Some of these courses include leadership, modern languages (French and Spanish), home economics, business education, information technology and technology.
Grades 10, 11 and 12 form the graduation program years. In order to graduate, 96 credits are recommended, and 80 credits are required. Planning 10 and Graduation Transitions courses are required, and a graduation portfolio must be submitted in order to qualify for Passport to Education scholarships. The Passport to Education Program recognizes student achievement in grades 10 – 12 in a broad range of academic and non-academic areas. For further information and details on the criteria for eligibility go to Also, for more information on the graduation program in British Columbia, please go to
For more information on letter grades and percentages, honour roll, straight A awards, super G awards, awards ceremony and grade 12 awards, please see the student planner. The Westview staff is here to support you in believing in yourselves, challenging you and accommodating for individual needs, and setting goals to be successful in all areas. In the words of Thomas Edison, If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.