Dear families, Before we head into spring break, I wanted to take a moment to share with you some important school-related updates on the novel coronavirus. I have attached for you a letter from Deputy Minister Scott MacDonald that highlights a number of the important announcements made yesterday by Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry. […]
Mar 10, 2020: Letter from the superintendent on spring break travel
Dear parents/guardians, Since we are soon heading into spring break, I wanted to take a moment to highlight some important reminders about travel in the current context of COVID-19, as provided by provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam. If you are planning an international trip with […]
Ministry Learning Survey
Parents can complete the Ministry Learning Surveys by following this link: MINISTRY LEARNING SURVEYS
Haney Happenings: March 5, 2020
Haney Happenings: March 5, 2020
Haney Happenings: February 26, 2020
HANEY HAPPENINGS February 26, 2020.pdf
Feb 26, 2020: COVID-19 Guidelines for BC Schools
Dear parents/guardians, On Monday, February 24, 2020, all school districts in the province received guidance from the Office of the Provincial Health Officer and the BC Centre for Disease Control regarding recommended measures for preventing and controlling respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, in schools and childcare settings. The link below will take you to a document […]
Feb 26: Update from the superintendent on COVID-19
Dear parents/guardians, As you know, on February 21, Fraser Health provided school districts in the Fraser Valley with an update on novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Since the release of this update, many different concerns have begun to circulate online in the region. Although school districts cannot speak about specific schools or specific individuals, I want to […]