TUESDAY – Tacky & Tropical Tuesday
WEDNESDAY – Canadian Stereotypes
THURSDAY – Blackout Day
FRIDAY – Gym Riot
The last try-out for gr. 8/9 girls soccer is TODAY after school. Meet on the field at 2:50.
Junior boys basketball players hoping to go on the field trip Wednesday MUST get their permission form to Mr von Matt Tuesday at the end of the day at the latest.
There will be a brief Fawlty Towers cast meeting today after school at 2:45 to determine the rehearsal schedule and distribute scripts.
Germany, Italy & Switzerland student travellers: One more meeting before we leave! Please come to room 2145 on Tuesday at lunch! See you then! Mrs. Ryan and Ms. Fischer
Albion Bike Skills Park needs volunteers. Info meeting this Sunday, 12:00 – 1:00 pm. Details in the Career Centre.
THIS week is the last chance to attend your mandatory 2 figure drawing workshops for Art 11 and 12. Here are the dates so that you can plan to attend: second block Tuesday March 11 , first block Wednesday March 12th , fourth block Thursday March 13th.
MODELS NEEDED! Ms. Messner is looking for female and male models for her art class for the next two weeks. You will have to arrive on time and stay for an entire block while the art students draw you. Your hour of hard work will be rewarded. See Ms. Messner for details.
Course Selection Offering: Comparative Civilizations 12 (Comp Civ 12) is a Social Studies course that will be offered for next school year that was missed on the course selection sheets and seminars. Sign up is still available for online registration. Please see Mrs. Wilkie if you have any questions about the course.
Course Planning: Grades 10 and 11
Some courses were not printed on the purple course selection sheet. These courses are available to you and are on the menu in BCeSIS when you enter your courses:
Cooks Training 10: (YVHE-0A)
Math Pre Calculus 12 (MPREC12)
Entrepreneurship 12 (MENT-12)
Comparative Civilizations 12 (MCCN-12)
Wednesday, 1st block, SEMINAR, room 1122
SLAM Poetry: Let’s Look at the Best
FSO: We will meet after school on Wednesday and Thursday at lunch to work on our spirit activity! See you there:)
THSS’ Poetry Slam- sign up in the English Great Hall with Ms. Ferguson. Compete for glory, fame, and adoration.
FIELD TRIP THIS WEEK: Wednesday, March 12 Stanley Park (Mrs. Evans) Leave here at 8:30 and back by 2:30
TA CHANGE REQUEST FORMS will be available AFTER SPRING BREAK. Completed forms are to be handed in to the office NO LATER THAN APRIL 30. Please note that you may not get request if TA is full.
Grads – There was one grey crewneck in a size – small left over from the grad clothing order. If anyone wants it …it is $10 to the first person to see Mrs. Coghill with the cash.
Grad Gown Sign-Up – All grads must sign up for the correct grad gown size by March 14th. Please visit the counseling area to measure your correct height *taking note to add the height of the shoes that you will be wearing during the grad ceremony.
Basketball uniforms need to be handed in to Mrs. Clayton by Thursday, March 13th. If they are not in by that time their uniform deposit cheque will be cashed. Refunds will not be issued until June.
A reminder to all presenters for the 15 Reasons Project: the exhibition is April 16th – only 2 weeks after Spring break.
GRADE 12’s GT BOOKLET – if you picked yours up before March 3, it likely has an incorrect web link to the Mental Health Meter. The correct link is www.cmha.ca/mental_health/mental-health-meter .
GRADE 12 AUTO AND MUSIC STUDENTS – The Golden Ears Vintage Car Club Bursaries in the District Scholarship Booklet have been changed. There is a new Music Student Bursary that did not make it in time for this year. Please read about both at http://schools.sd42.ca/thscareer/awards-and-scholarships/district-awards/
District Dogwood (non-academic) Scholarship application packages are in the Career Centre for Grade 12’s to pick up. Applications due back April 2; students selected to do presentations notified via TA April 15; Presentations April 23.
TUESDAY – Baby Back Ribs with tangy tropical BBQ sauce / Coconut Black Bean Soup
WEDNESDAY – Teaching Kitchen Closed – Pizza on sale in the Rotunda
THURSDAY – Teaching Kitchen Closed – Pizza on sale in the Rotunda
FRIDAY – Teaching Kitchen Closed