HANEY HAPPENINGS Wednesday, Oct. 22
Upcoming Events:
- Thursday, October 23: Y Day
- Friday, October 24: Professional Development Day (no classes)
- Monday, October 27: Awards: Gr 11/12: (Y Block attached to TA)
- Monday, November 3: Photo retakes
Wednesday: Beef dip / Butternut Squash
Thursday: Chicken Tenders / Broccoli & Cheddar Soup
GRADE 9 STUDENTS: Please remember to participate in the Pop Can Races in the Science Great Hall during the Y day October 23rd. This is part of your Learning Guide 2.
GRAD CLOTHING: THSS grad clothing is now on sale! There will be samples of grad clothing to try today and Wednesday. Clothing samples and order forms will be just outside of the girls’ PE change rooms at lunch. Please hand in all forms with payment to Mrs. Coghill by November 21st.
You must check in with Ms Szakos 3rd block in the Great Hall on Thursday.
YOGA 11/12:
Class will be running on Thursday 4th block
The Key Club meets today, and every Tuesday, at lunch in Room 2008.
All students are welcome to join this group, which meets Mondays @ noon in room 2140. Help THSS become a greener school, earn your grade 10 volunteer hours and learn about the environment. A perfect fit for students who may have attended ‘Me to We’ conferences, or who are interested in taking positive action.
LANGUAGES STUDENTS: The first multi-cultural seminar of the year will be taking place on Oct. 27 during Y block. Sign-up is on the languages board in room 2145. Students in grades 9 – 12 need these as part of their course credit. Please if you sign up, show up!!! Write the date and time in your planners! Merci, Mme Ryan
For students in grade 11 or 12 who can fluently speak and write in one of the following second languages:
German, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin or Punjabi , you could write a grade 11 or 12 Challenge exam in late January in Delta. For more information, see Mr. von Matt in the counseling center. Deadline is November 7.
Y DAY Thursday, October 23
Mr. Wiens: Not in
Foods: The Foods room will be open all day
Textiles: The Sewing room will only be open during blocks 2 and 3.
Mrs. Samouilhan will be available during 3rd-& 5th period in the Foods room
For information from the Career Centre about all work experience opportunities, post-secondary information and scholarship information, please see the Career Centre website (http://schools.sd42.ca/thscareer/), bulletin boards and/or newsletter.
- McGill University will be visiting Maple Ridge Secondary on Thursday, November 20th at 1:20 pm in the library. This event is open to all students in the district.
- BCIT’s Big Info Session: Wednesday, November 19th from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Located at their Burnaby Campus. To register, please visit bcit.ca/biginfo
- Canadian Tourism College Open House: November 20th from 9:00 – 3:00 p.m. Open to Grade 11 & 12 students. Limited seating so reserve now at receptionary@tourismcollege.com.
- PSI (Post-Secondary Day): Thursday, November 27 starting at 9 a.m. Universities and Colleges throughout B.C. will be here to provide the students with information about their programs. While it is primarily intended for grade 12’s, it is also very beneficial for interested grade 11’s and even grade 10’s to attend for part of the morning.
- Emily Carr’s National Portfolio Day is on Saturday, December 6, 2014 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Post-Secondary General Application Dates:
(Always double check for your program specific course)
§ University of Victoria Opens: Now Closes: February 28
§ University of B.C. Opens: Now Closes: January 31
To be considered for a major entrance scholarship, application should be in by December 10, 2014
§ University of the Fraser Valley Opens: October 1 Closes: January 31
§ Thompson Rivers University Opens: October 1 Closes: Depends on Program
§ University of Northern B.C.: Opens: October 1 Closes: Depends on Program
§ Simon Fraser University: Opens: October 1 Closes: April 30
To be considered for a scholarship, students need to apply by February 28
§ Douglas College Opens: Mid October Closes: Depends on program
§ Kwantlen Polytechnic University Opens: November 1 Closes: March 31
§ BCIT Ongoing monthly
§ Langara College Opens: October 1 Closes: April 30
UFV and Kwantlen are application date sensitive, so apply early! All online admissions are accessed through www.applybc.ca
Quest for Excellence: Remax of Canada will reward 16 bursaries of $1,000 each. Deadline to apply is: March 9, 2014. Enter at www.remax.ca
Horatio Alger Jim Pattison B.C. Scholarship Program: $5,000 scholarship with a deadline of October 25th. For more information please go to: www.hotratioalger.ca/en/scholarships
The Loran Scholar: 30 scholarships worth $100,000, 40 worth $3,000 and 40 worth $2,000. Students need to demonstrate exemplary character, service and leadership and have minimum average of 85%. There are two categories, one for sponsored candidates and the direct pool candidates. Each school can only sponsor 3 students. The Loran Thomas Haney sponsored scholarship candidate applications are due by October 20 into the Career Centre, and the direct pool online by October 29th.