HANEY HAPPENINGS Monday, November 3
Upcoming Events:
- TODAY: Photo retakes (order forms are in the office)
- Provincial Exams (see below).
Monday: Clubhouse Sandwich / Potato Leek Soup
Tuesday: Chicken Enchiladas / Broccoli & Cheese Soup
Wednesday: Eggs Benedict / Beef Barley Soup
Thursday: No classes (Student-Led Conferences)
Friday: Chicken Tenders / Creamy Mushroom Soup
STAMPS FOR PLANNERS: During long TA today, administrators will be available to stamp the planners of students in grades 11 and 12 who demonstrated good work habits last year. We will use both the list of term 2 award winners and term 2 report cards in helping us make this determination. Moving forward, only students with this stamp in their planner will be able to work in the rotunda.
Provincial Exam Schedule
Today: 9:00 – 11:00 am v Foundations of Math 10 v English 12 v Science 10
1:00 – 3:00 pm v Social Studies 11
Tomorrow: 9:00 – 11:00 am v English 10 |
The first class of the new rotation will be Thursday Nov. 13th
Rotations are as follows:
Drama……….Music (H block – Biggar, A block – Burns)
CANDY WRAPPER BRIGADE – October 27th – Nov 7th
Halloween is here and so are millions upon millions of candy wrappers! Scary Fact: candy wrappers are considered ‘garbage’ because there is no demand for that type of plastic on the open market. Help solve a problem and find a solution for a better world. Feed the candy wrapper boxes located around the school: rotunda, library, office and great halls.
HALLOWEEN FOR HUNGER IS HERE!! Please bring in at least one nonperishable food item for those who need it in our community. Boxes will be set up in the rotunda, the 4 Great Halls and the office.
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL YOUTH EXCHANGE: students interested in attending school in another country in September 2015 are invited, along with their parents, to attend an information meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, November 4th at 7 pm in the MRSS Library. One student from our school district will be chosen.
For information from the Career Centre about all work experience opportunities, post-secondary information and scholarship information, please see the Career Centre website (http://schools.sd42.ca/thscareer/), bulletin boards and/or newsletter.
Page Program: Become a page at the House of Commons. This is a unique opportunity to learn about the Canadian parliamentary system. Each year, 40 exceptional students from across Canada are selected to take part in this program. This is for graduating grade 12 students with an academic average of 80% and can speak both official languages. Apply online at parl.gc.ca/hocpage by December 8, 2014.
Career Info Night: Hosted by Maple Ridge Secondary for grades 10, 11 and 12 and their parents in the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows district. This is an opportunity to listen and interact with a wide variety of people active in their professions and trades. The date is Wednesday, December 3 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Pre-register online at www.mapleridgesecondary.ca and click on Career Information Night.
- BCIT’s Big Info Session: Wednesday, November 19th from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Located at their Burnaby Campus. To register, please visit bcit.ca/biginfo
- McGill University will be visiting Maple Ridge Secondary on Thursday, November 20th at 1:20 pm in the library. This event is open to all students in the district.
- Canadian Tourism College Open House: November 20th from 9:00 – 3:00 p.m. Open to Grade 11 & 12 students. Limited seating so reserve now at receptionary@tourismcollege.com.
- Explore Capilano – Info Night is on Monday, November 24, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Birch Atrium.
- PSI (Post-Secondary Day): Thursday, November 27 starting at 9 a.m. Universities and Colleges throughout B.C. will be here to provide the students with information about their programs. While it is primarily intended for grade 12’s, it is also very beneficial for interested grade 11’s and even grade 10’s to attend for part of the morning.
- Emily Carr’s National Portfolio Day is on Saturday, December 6 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Quest for Excellence: Remax of Canada will reward 16 bursaries of $1,000 each. The application deadline is: March 9, 2015. Enter at www.remax.ca
The Canadian Schulich Leader Scholarships are undergraduate scholarships for students intending to enroll in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) areas of study. Each secondary school may submit one Schulich Leader nominee. A candidate must possess two out of the three: outstanding community, business or entrepreneurial leadership; academic excellence and financial need. Two scholarships, one worth $60,000 and one for $80,000. If interested in being sponsored or if you have any questions, please see Mrs. Domitruk in the Career Centre.
National Book Award and Scholarship Program 2015 – 10 awards of $45,000 to $60,000. These are for students who demonstrate superior academic performance, original and creative thought, and exceptional achievement in a broad context. They excel in academic pursuits, demonstrate enthusiasm for intellectual exploration and have a strong involvement in the lives of their schools and communities. Each secondary school can nominate one student. For more information please visit www.adm.utoronto.ca/ns. Deadline to apply: November 7, 2014.