HANEY HAPPENINGS: Wednesday, June 7
WEDNESDAY: Thunder Breakfast THURSDAY: Cheddar & Broccoli stuffed Chicken Breast FRIDAY: Beef Dip Fries |
GRADS: If you have not yet done your reader cards, you NEED TO this week in the Main Office. Please see Mrs. Gilbert.
Attention Grads: Your official graduation transcript will be mailed to you from the Ministry of Education at the end of July, beginning of August. If you have moved at some point, please ensure you have the correct address on file or else your transcript will not reach you. You can double check with Mrs. Davis in the Career Centre if you are unsure if you have updated your mailing address.
Students with a summer job should see Mr. Wiens in the Career Centre ASAP to get the appropriate paperwork for the Work Experience 12 course.
Royal Soccer 2017 is looking for volunteers, CIT’s and Co-op students for 2 locations Maple Ridge and Coquitlam. See website for more details: www.royalsoccer.com or Mrs. Sekhon in the Career Centre.
“Time is the furthest distance between two points.” Don’t miss Tennessee WIlliams’ The Glass Menagerie live on stage right here at the THSS Sightlines Theatre. Tickets are on sale every day in the rotunda- student tickets are only $8 – adults are only $10. This is one of the most iconic works of modern theatre- one not to be missed! We have two complete casts- come twice and explore what unique qualities each actor brings to the role. Ask your teachers if you can earn course credit for attending- a great opportunity for a self directed project. The play runs June 5 and 6th.
The following students need to see Ms Coghill on Monday, June 12 at the start of Y-Block in the main gym to finish their fitness testing and/or beep test.
AJ Smagh Cameron Depner
Ben Fontaine Jaxon Delisle
Connor Bouma Riley Ferguson
Gabby Dujmovic Amanda Ferguson
Zach Vanerwalle Sara Ferguson
Bronson Browett Dylan Glasser
Clint Coleman Kiarah Smith
UBC Admission Assistance Wednesday June 14th UBC is having a session for grade 12s who are starting to register for their first-year courses and have questions about the admission requirements. Open to anyone who is interested in learning more about Entry-to-Practice PharmD program but it’s also open to anyone who is interested in learning more about general admission. For more info come visit Mrs. Sekhon in the Career Centre.
ATTENTION LANGUAGES STUDENTS!!! If you are needing some extra help to finish up on your French, Spanish or Japanese courses, the languages teachers will be holding a work blitz at lunch next week from Monday – Wednesday, in room 2145. Bring your lunch and your work!
Athletics is holding a clear out clothing sale at lunch Wed-Fri outside of the Rotunda. There are limited sizes and styles. Cash only.
T-shirts $5 Hoodies and Sweatpants $10
Retro uniforms $5 – 10
Summer School
Summer school registration has been extended to Friday June 9 for students wishing to enroll in a Grade 10,11 or 12 course in summer school. Forms available in the counselling area.
Dates to Remember:
June 7 Grad breakfast & Rehearsal – 7:30 am
June 8 Grad Ceremony at Queen Elizabeth theatre – 7pm
June 9 Grad Banquet, 5:30pm, Dry Grad 11:30pm
June 15 Final music concert of the year in the Rotunda – 7pm
Upcoming Sports Trips & Field Trips:
June 14 Theatresports – Granville Island 4:30pm – 10:30pm (Evans)
June 16 Outdoor Pursuits Rocky Point Sailing 8:15am to 3:30pm (Jennings & McAlister)
Planner Errors for May/June:
Page 121 – Friday, June 9 is a regular Friday for students (DEFGH). Morning classes are NOT cancelled.
*****Dry Grad Guest Application Forms are now in the office!!*****
Grad Tickets: for the ceremony, dinner dance and dry grad will all be released the week of May 29th (into TA). (we will aim for Monday). The tickets will only be released IF Mrs. Shamro has received the safe ride home form for dry grad.
If you have been the recipient of a post-secondary scholarship for next year, please come to the office and let Mrs. Gilbert know. We want to celebrate your success at the commencement ceremony!
Reminder: there is a mandatory grad breakfast, rehearsal and class photo at 7:30 am on June 7th. Please make sure you are at school by 7:30 am that day!
All grads and their guests MUST present their ticket at the door in order to gain entrance at the QE Theatre!