Tuesday, March 28
Attention Grads: Our next grad dinner/dance meeting is today, March 28th at lunch in room 2145.
Attention Languages Students: The next multiculture seminar will be on Monday, April 3rd during Y block. It is our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Limited space available so sign up in room 2145 ASAP.
Attention Future Connections Student Hopefuls! A list of Connections 11 students for the 2017-18 school year has been posted outside of Connolly’s room (2030). Check to see if your name is on there. If not, please see Ms. Jennings by the end of the week for a form. The counsellors are hoping to get the list completed by March 31st!
Partnership applications are now due in the Career Centre:
Hairdressing, Culinary, Metal Fabrication, Electrical, Plumbing, Automotive, Masonry and Carpentry.
TUESDAY: Clubhouse Sandwich Soup: Tomato Bisque WEDNESDAY: Turkey Meatloaf Soup: Prawn & Corn Chowder THURSDAY: Fish Tacos Soup: Red Lentil Soup FRIDAY: Pulled Pork Sandwiches Soup: Creamy Broccoli Soup |
Peer Tutoring 11/12 – For 2017-2018 If you are interested in tutoring others for course credit next year, please sign up with Ms. Coulombe, Room 2110.
Basketball uniforms: The following students need to hand in their basketball uniforms to Mrs. Clayton ASAP (deposits will be cashed in April): Kyle Brandon, Connor Sims, Jaden Dyer, Khayll Callanga, Darian Smerdal, Kelsey Holland, Jason Dongalen, Tomislav Stojoic, Emily Murley, Bryson Haywood, Jasmine Escano, Nick Metivier
PE Leadership for 2017/2018 (PE Student Aide) If you are interested in taking this course next year, please sign up on the sheets on the board next to the Intramural board. Extra info is on the sign-up sheet. Space is limited. You will be notified by April 4, if you are accepted into this course.
Work Experience/Volunteer Opportunities – Come join the Ridge Meadows home show; sign up online at ridgemeadowshomeshow.ca and see Mr. Wiens in the Career Centre for more details.
Work Experience with Cathay Pacific! Interested in aviation careers; engineering, flight attendants, sales, etc.,? Stop by the career centre.
Battle of the Books: Next meeting: Monday, April 3rd at lunch. New members are welcome! The Battle will take place at Westview on Thursday, April 20th
Encounters with Canada: see Mrs. Sekhon in the career centre for more information.
Dates to Remember:
March 29 – March 31 San Diego Conference (Curwen / Evans / McIntosh / Preibisch / Scoular)
March 29 Grade 9 shots (catch up) 9:30-10:50 am
March 30 Health and Safety 8:00 am
April 3 Western Springs College Visit
April 6 Staff Meeting 3:00 pm
April 7 Staff Lunch (Suddaby Room)
April 7 LARP
April 8 Design Camp
April 10 TA starts at 9:30 am
April 14 Good Friday – no school
April 17 Easter Monday – no school
April 18 PAC meeting 7:00 pm
April 20 Health and Safety 8:00 am
April 20 Battle of the Books at WSS 9:40-2:20 (Fulgueras)
April 20 Dept. Head meeting 3:00 pm
April 27 Student-Led Conferences (no classes)
April 29 Agriculture in the Classroom fundraiser (Smith)
Upcoming Sports Trips & Field Trips:
March 31 Outdoor Pursuits to Crescent Beach 8:45 – 3:30 (Jennings / Williams)
April 5 BC Skills Canada Competition at Tradex 7:00 am – 3:30 pm (Evans / Wiens)
April 6 Field trip to Omnimax Theatre (Fischer / Preddy)
April 7 Outdoor Pursuits to East Canyon Trail, Golden Ears 8:45 – 3:30 (Williams)
April 7 Holocaust Symposium at WSS 8:45 – 12:15 (Jennings)
April 8 Cantando Music Festival in Edmonton departs 6:00 pm, returns April 12 (Burns)
Planner Errors for March:
Page 102 – My School Plan for the Week: cross out “Monday: Collaborative Time”
Page 102 – Monday, April 3 is NOT a late start day (block order: AYBCD)
Page 102 – Tuesday, April 4 is NOT Y day (block order: EFGHA)
Page 104 – My School Plan for the Week: Cross out Wednesday: Student Led Conference
Page 105 – Wednesday, April 12 is a regular Wednesday (BCDEF), NOT student led conferences
Page 105 – Friday, April 14 is Good Friday (no school)
· Be sure that you’ve completed your PSI online form if you are planning to apply to a post-secondary institution. An early offer of admission does NOT mean that you can skip this step as this is how post-secondary institutions confirm that you have graduated at the end of the year. Remember: it is your responsibility to ensure that your transcripts are sent to post-secondary institutions by their deadlines. Read letters and e-mails from PSIs carefully to ensure you don’t miss a step! · DRY GRAD If you are a 2017 Grad and have purchased a ticket to attend dry grad – you need to pick up the “Safe ride home” package (pink) in the office. If you have also purchased a guest ticket for dry grad – be sure to take a guest package also (green). Both packages are on the front desk. These forms need to be returned to the office ASAP – you will not receive any of your Grad tickets until these forms are received by Mrs. Shamro.