HANEY HAPPENINGS Tuesday, April 28
CAFÉ MENUTuesday: Chicken Cordon Bleu
Halibut and Sweet Potato Chowder Wednesday: Perogies and Farmers’ Sausage Chicken Noodle Soup Thursday: Southwest Club with Caesar Salad and Fries Creamy Tomato Soup Friday: Chicken Fingers Beef Barley Soup Pizza for sale in the rotunda |
The following students need to see Mr. Frend ASAP: Joceyln Buck, Anieka Cooper, Carly Craft, Derrick Craney, Nimrat Gill, Bryan Giron, Juan Gomez, Duke Grimbeek, Taylor Grostad, Brayden Harding, Zach Hardy-Chatterton, Christine Horascek, Brigita Jakus, Maddy Johnson, Jason Kim, Jared Kopp, Kennedy Krause, Simon Kwon, Dasan Lau, Stella Li, Jenna Little, Ker Lor, Cayla Lynn, Hannah Lynn, Megan Millen, Filip Mitevski, Ali Nosek, Eric Pankratz, Brett Patriska, Cody Poloway, Brianne Powley, Elyse Purton, Angelica Redbourne, Liam Richards, Rajdeep Sachar, Austin Sheasby, Nick Shillito, Ilia Smirnov, Steve Thomas, Rachel Upton, Alex van Aert, Nick van Kooten, Logan van de Poll, Korrie Lee Vanderwal, Yakov Voronov, Rachel Warwick, Aidan Weller, Ben Whittier, Justin Won
Dance Tickets: The school dance is at 7:00 pm on May 7th. You can buy tickets for $5.00 in the rotunda at lunch. All grades welcome!
Grads! If you are planning on participating in the Grad dinner/dance you will need to have your fees paid FIRST in order to sign up for a table! We will do sign ups for tables (10 per table) after the May long weekend!! Don’t miss out on your choice of table and location!
Attention Chemistry Students: If you are signed up for a Chemistry lab please remember that you MUST show up with closed toed shoes. If you wear flip flops or sandals, you will be turned away for safety reasons.
Attention grade 10/11 girls. Fire Camp! Camp Ignite is in its 5th year this year and is a 4 day camp held during the summer, Aug 6-9 this year. It is a four-day camp that educates and inspires young women to follow their dreams. The camp is open to girls in grades 11-12 (ages 16-18), and gives them an introduction to the world of firefighting. See Mr. Wiens in the career centre this week for an application. Please see the website at: http://campignite.com/
Playland Field Trip (May 5th): There are only 3 spots left for the Playland trip so if you’re interested in attending, you need to sign up asap!! Permission forms are in the Science Kiosk
Attention all girls aged 7 – 18: Your community lacrosse association is offering a fun-filled afternoon for all girls who are interested in learning more about women’s field lacrosse. On Saturday, May 9th, come to the Queen’s Park Turf Field in New West from 12 – 2 pm. Bring a friend and appropriate footwear – they will supply the rest! For more information about this free session, please contact Carol Soenen at girlsfield@minorbellies.com
- SFU: Deadline to self-report your grades is April 30, 2015
- Douglas College is hosting a New Student Orientation session. Learn how to select and register for courses and find out more about Financial Aid. Held on May 4 and 5th at the New West Campus from 5:00 – 8:45 p.m. and at the Coquitlam Campus on May 6 and 7th from 5:00 to 8:45 p.m. Spots are limited. To register visit: http://www.douglascollege.ca/study-at-douglas/office-for-new-students/new-student-orientation/jumpstart-orientation
- Soldier For A Day: your local Army Reserves is hosting a work study program on May 24 from 10:00am – 3:00 pm. This event gives students a chance to meet and speak with local reserve soldiers to see if this is possible career path for them. To apply please see Mr. Wiens or Mrs. Domitruk. Space is limited so apply early!
- Dictionary for Dollars Contest presented by Yconic and Scotiabank – 12 @ $750. A list of financial words is given and you will need to say the definition in pictures, words or diagrams. Deadline: April 30 Website: http://www.fundyourfuture.ca/highschool/?utm_campaign=dictionary&utm_source=y_award_details&utm_medium=website
- C. Hockey Scholarship – To be eligible, an individual must be registered in his or her graduating year and be a member of BC Hockey playing in the Western Hockey League. For more information please visit: www.bchockey.net/awards/scholarships.aspx. Deadline to apply: April 30, 2015.
- The Wiesenthal Scholarships – Looking for students that have volunteer work relevant to promoting social justice and human rights, countering racism and bullying. Also looking for strong leadership skills and involvement in their school and community combined with at least an 80% average. For more information or to apply please visit: http://www.friendsofsimonwiesenthalcenter.com/downloads/Wiesenthal%20Scholarship%20Application%202015.pdf. Application must be received no later than April 30, 2015.
- Nimbus School of Recording Arts– 1st prize is $25,000, 2nd is $10,000, 3rd is $5,000. Canadian high school students will be given the opportunity to create their own mix or remix of tracks. Final submissions must be uploaded to nimbusmixcontest.ca by May 1, 2015. The winner will be announced on or before June 1st.
- BC School Sports Badminton Scholarship (2 @ $500). Application deadline: May 1, 2015
For more information, please visit: http://www.bcschoolsports.ca/recognition
- Retail as a Career Scholarship Program – 1 @ $5,000, 1 @ $3,000 and 24 @ $1,000
Criteria: Pursuing a retail, business or marketing related program and currently working within the retail industry. Website: http://www.retailcouncil.org/education/retail-as-a-career-scholarship-program Deadline: May 15, 2015
- MCO Scholarship – $500 Criteria: Will be attending post-secondary full time. Submit an answer to an essay question. Website: http://www.studentscholarships.org/available_scholarships_2015.php Deadline: May 15
- Caretenders Scholarship – $500 Criteria: Answer an essay question.
Website: http://www.studentscholarships.org/available.php Deadline to apply: May 31, 2015
- Costco Scholarshipfor employees and their children: Either the applicant or their parent must be a permanent employee at Costco Wholesale for a minimum of a year. This scholarship is based on academic performance. Website to apply is https://costco.myreviewroom.com/ Deadline: May 31, 2015.
- LM Scholarship Program – $500 Criteria: Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and answer essay question.
Website: http://www.forklifttrainingvancouver.com Deadline: May 31, 2015
- AbbVie IBD Scholarship Program is looking for students of any age that have been diagnosed with Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis. A student who demonstrates academic aspiration and strives to sustain an optimal level of wellness in spite of their Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. For more information or to apply please visit: http://ibdscholarship.ca/EN/applicaton-process.php. Deadline: June 1, 2015.
- Starfleet Scholarship Program (5 @ $1,000) is looking for students who are treckie fans and have been a Starfleet member for at least one year. The deadline to apply is June 15, 2015. For more information and to apply please visit http://www.sfi.org/scholarships/.
- South Asian Family Association – 3 @ $1,000 Criteria: South Asian descent, Canadian citizen or permanent resident, excellence in academics, community involvement or fine arts, leadership and or service. Website: http://www.safa.ca/ Deadline: June 14, 2015
- 10 Words or Less Scholarship – $500 Criteria: Follow application instructions. Website: http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarships/10258/10_or_less_scholarship_scholarship.php Deadline: June 15
- Global Lift Equipment Scholarship – $500 Criteria: Have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and submit a story.
Website: http://www.usedforkliftbritishcolumbia.ca Deadline: June 15, 2015
- The Sabrina Shannon Memorial Award – 2 @ $1,000
Criteria: Application form, a 500 – 1500 word essay describing your efforts to raise awareness and educate others about life threatening allergies. Website: http://www.whyriskit.ca/pages/posts/apply-for-the-2015-sabrina-shannon-memorial-award64.php Deadline to apply: June 19, 2015
- Lift Parts Express Scholarship – $500 Criteria: Online form
Website: http://www.forkliftpartsbritishcolumbia.com/forklliftparts.php Deadline to apply: June 30 2015
- Lifestyle Dentistry Scholarship – $500 Criteria: Have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and submit answers to essay questions. Website: http://www.studentscholarships.org/2015.php Deadline to apply: June 30, 2015
- National Union of Public and General Employees Scholarship: 4 @ $1,500. Children, grandchildren (incl. foster children/grandchildren) of National Union of Public and General Employees current/retired members. For more info and applications, email scholarship@nupge.ca or call (513) 228-9800. Deadline to apply: July 6, 2015.
- The Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program is open to students who have a major declared in a science related field. Value: $1500. Deadline: July 10 http://www.novusbio.com/scholarship-program.html
- APEG Entrance Scholarship ($1,000) is looking for students entering an engineering transfer program who demonstrate good academic standing, extracurricular activities and financial need. The deadline to apply is August 14. For more info visit: https://www.apeg.bc.ca/For-Students/Scholarships/APEGBC-High-School-Scholarships.
- Pollard and Perrin Orthodontics – $500 Criteria: GPA of 2.5 or greater
Website: http://www.westkelownaorthodontists.ca/orthodontics.php Deadline to apply: October 30, 2015
- The MADD Canada Bursary Fund is for Canadian students who have had an immediate family member (mother, father, legal guardian, or sibling) killed in an impaired-driving related crash and are pursuing any full time education program that is approved by a provincial Ministry of Education. Bursaries of up to $2,000 can be awarded to qualifying students across Canada. For more information or to apply please visit: http://www.madd.ca/madd2/en/services/youth_services_bursary.html
For more information from the Career Centre about all work experience opportunities, post-secondary information and scholarship information, please see the Career Centre website (http://schools.sd42.ca/thscareer/), bulletin boards and/or newsletter.