Gr. 8 girls TRYOUTS next Thursday and Friday (15th & 16th) 3-4 pm
in the Gym
Gr. 11/12 girls SIGN UP on Monday Sept. 12 at lunch in room 2137
Grade 8 boys open gym – Thursday and Friday morning
at 7:15am and this Friday after school at 3:00 pm.
Gr. 10-12 boys Wednesdays and Thursdays 6:30-8:00pm
All boys interested in playing soccer this year, tryouts are next Wednesday and Thursday (Sept. 14th & 15th). Meet on the field by 3pm. There will be two teams this year (gr 8/9 and gr 10-12)
Assigned Time/Applications for Learning
-All students in grades 9-11 who have “assigned time” or “applications for learning” with Mr. Clutchey are required to meet with him this coming Monday during Y block in room 1110 (in the Eng GH behind the totem pole).
-Grade 12 students who have “assigned time” or “applications for learning” with Mr. Clutchey are required to meet with him the following Monday during Y block.
It’s a Wonderful Life
There will be a full cast meeting on Monday, Sept.12 in the theatre at 12:15 for the FULL cast of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” This is an important meeting to determine our rehearsal schedule so if you cannot attend- please let Mrs. Evans know ASAP.
AUDITIONS! AUDITIONS! Are you new to THSS this year or perhaps you didn’t get a chance to audition last year? We will be holding auditions for remaining roles for the first Sightlines Theatre Production of “It’s a Wonderful Life” starting Wed. Sept. 14. All students in All grades are welcome to audition. Go to the theatre callboard at the foot of the ramp leading up to the gym and all the information you need is waiting for you. It’s not too late to be a part of this fantastic winter classic! We are also auditioning for roles for three elementary girls- so if you have a younger sibling or know of a grade 4-7 students who would like to audition- let Mrs. Evans know ASAP.
PE Student Aides
Any PE Student Aides that have not attended a seminar already will have to attend one right after the Grade 12 assembly on Monday Sept. 12th. The meeting will start at 10:30 am in the main gym.
Library News
The library study area is closed this week. The library is only available for textbook sign out at this time. Next week, we will resume regular library use.
Fire Academy
Applications are in the Career Centre and due next week. Stop by and talk to Mr. Wiens if you are interested.
Any students interested in Business 10 THUNDERCafe or VOLUNTEERING see Mrs Welton ASAP. Meeting soon to discuss scheduling.
Grade 12 Grad Trans students
We will meet at a later date for Graduation Transitions; you do not need to attend in the library this week. Stay tuned to the Haney Happenings for more information about Grad Transitions.
Trades Programs
1 space left for culinary program at SRT and 4 spaces left to fill for Hair Program at SRT.
Students may come see Ms. Sekhon or Mr. Wiens in the career center.
Dry Grad Pizza Sales
There will be pizza sold in the Rotunda every lunch hour this week. The cost will be $2 per slice. After this week the pizza sales will take place every Thursday at lunch.
Random Acts of Kindness
Will be having their first meeting of the year on Monday, Sept. 12th at lunch in the Art Room.
Red Cross Babysitting Course: Ridge Meadows College is offering the Red Cross Babysitting course on September 24th for children 11 and over. To register, contact Ridge Meadows College at 604-466-6555 (ext. 203) or visit email rmc@sd42.ca
This Month at a Glance:
September 12 -Grade 12 assembly Y block
- -Photo Day
-Club Day 11:30-12:30 Rotunda
-Gr 12 student/parent night 7 pm Rotunda
14 -Gr 8 student/parent night 7 pm Rotunda
19 -Collaboration day – TA 9:30-10:00 am *NO Y block
20 -PAC meeting 7 pm
23 -Grade 12 BBQ at lunch
26 -No school
27 -Cops for Cancer tour
29 -Unlock your Future presentation gr 10-12
-for students and parents in the rotunda 7 pm
30 -Grade 8 BBQ at lunch