MONDAY: Falafels
Soup: Broccoli Soup
TUESDAY: Monte Cristo Sandwich
Soup: Tomato Bisque
WEDNESDAY: Roasted Herb Chicken
Soup: Roasted Apple & Acorn Squash
THURSDAY: Porchetta stuffed w/granny smith apples
Soup: Cream of Chicken
FRIDAY: Chicken Tenders
Soup: Chicken Noodle
Is that a snowflake I see? It must be getting close to ski season! Have you joined the THSS Ski and Snowboard Club? This club is open to all grades. This year we have three exciting trips planned for Cypress, Big White and Whistler. Our Whistler trips are Saturday February 4th and Saturday March 4th. Our Cypress trips happen Thursdays after school: December 15th, January 19th, February 9th and March 9th. Finally our Big White trip is a weekend getaway leaving Friday January 13th and returning Sunday January 15th. See Mr. Williams or Ms. Fischer for more details.
Grade 8 students: Grade 8 students rotate to their next Applied Skills course this week:
A Block Rotation: Monday, Nov. 14: A Block is their 1st class.
**reminder that the planner has an error for Monday and block order should read AYBCD
H Block Rotation: Thursday, Nov. 17: H Block is their 1st class
Rotation: Business Ed. -> Home Economics->Technology-> Computer Technology
Happening Craft Fair Volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering at this years’ craft fair on Saturday, November 26th or Sunday, November 27th – please sign up by Mrs. Davis’ office in the Career Center. You need to write down the times you are available each day that you wish to volunteer. We need people for a variety of tasks, such as helping vendors unload their supplies on Saturday morning, greeting and circulating during the craft fair, helping vendors take their items back out to their vehicles on Sunday afternoon etc. You will receive a confirmation of your volunteer time in TA – the week before the craft fair. Remember – you need 30 hours of volunteer time for graduation!
Grad Transitions 12 Students: Grad Transitions 12 Students: FreshGrade is now up and running! Remember to submit all of your GT assignments online before winter break. Login info is on the website; see Mrs. Fulgueras in the library if you’ve forgotten your password. A mandatory Grad Transitions class will take place on Friday, November 25th in the Suddaby room during your scheduled block (2, 3, or 4) to show you how to send your THSS transcript online to post-secondary institutions. You MUST attend this session as post-secondary institutions can’t admit you without this important step. All GT info is online:
Interested in computer coding, robots, and circuits? Come by Wednesdays and Thursdays in blocks 4 and 5 to check out our fun coding tools! We have Spheros, Lego Mindstorms, MaKey MaKey and Little Bits! Sign up in the library to reserve your spot!
Grad Hoodies and Grad Baseball Shirts: samples are still available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, just outside the rotunda by the intramural board. All orders are due Wednesday, November 23. Please hand in money and order forms to Ms. Coghill or Ms. Clayton.
THSS Cross Country Season Wrap Up Lunch: Thursday November 17 in Room 2137.
VanArts Info & Webinar coming up Nov 15th for more info check with Ms. Sekhon in the career centre.
HELP! The following students have not met WEX audit requirements:
Please send students with papers or to see Mr. Wiens for necessary paperwork: Sophia Ahmed, Tanner Anderson, Lucia Balogova, Jaycee Berkey, Evan Boileau, Kalia Buckham, Tanner Burnett, Khayllsem Callanga, Laura Chaberska, Tina Chen, Allyson Davies, Rachel Doyle, Steven Duesterwald, Meghan Dunn, Jayme Eklund, Angel Fernandez, Sara Fulford, Caelan Gilmore, Bryson Haywood, Melissa Holmgren, Alex Hoskins, Farima Jadidian, Jeff Jiang, Ashley Magri, Draevan McGowan, Nicholas Metivier, Hannah Muntau, Danae Novota, Alyssa O’Laughlin, Yury Onikahuili, Sheridan Pacey, Liz Perejilo, Sydney Plante, Graeme Pomeroy, Jaziah Power, Amelia Rankine, Danica Ricci, Connor Sim, Aji-Rae Tan, Breanne Thane, Megan Tymoschuk, Jessica Vanderwal, Josh Vanderwal, Ivory Vecchies, Kristyn Veldman, Sydney Warburton, Breahn Welch, Quinn Welton, Cara Williams, Brooke Wortley.
Scholarships and University Applications:
- The UBC application deadline for early admission for the 2017 Winter Session is December 1, 2016. The final application deadline for the 2017 Winter Session is January 15, 2017.
- The TD scholarship application deadline is November 18, 2016. Go to the career website to get more info about this scholarship.
Grad Information:
Grad Portraits: Starting on December 1st, grads will be able to book their grad photography sessions online at Grad portraits take place here at THSS between January 9 – 14. Please note that there is a $20 sitting fee. Mountain West Studios is also offering a date for those grads who may not be able to get to grad photo sessions in January. Students can go to Mountain West Studios (6869 Merritt Ave., Burnaby) on December 7 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The online sign up for that session will be available Nov 7, 2016. *When booking this please book under school: SD42 (not the school you attend) Grad Write-Up: Email your grad write-up to before January 15th (note: 200 character limit). Baby Photos / Parent Tribute: Parents can have a tribute (300 character limit) and one baby or toddler photo added to the yearbook for $30.00. Tributes and photos should be emailed to with the student’s full name in the subject line. Payment is due no later than January 15. See p. 76 in the student planner for more information.
Athletics Events November:
November 21 Sr. Girls’ Volleyball playoffs TBA
Dates to Remember:
14 Grade 9 Awards Ceremony (10:00)
15 Fall Concert 7:00 pm (Burns)
21 Collaboration day-TA starts at 9:30 am (no Y block)
Upcoming Field Trips:
- November 14 Fishing 10:30-3:00 (Hussey, McIntosh, Silvestri)
- November 16 Mama Mia 5:45 – 11:00 pm (Hussey, Lenton, Scoular)
- November 17 Overnight Hike (Williams, Jennings)
- November 17 Bowling (Page, Tsang)
Planner Errors for November:
- 64 – Monday, November 14: this is a regular day (AYBCD), not a collaboration day
- 64 – Tuesday, November 15: this is a regular Tuesday (EFGHA), not Y-Day
- 66 – Monday, November 21: this should be a collaboration schedule. TA starts at 9:30 am and the block order is (ABCD)