FRIDAY: Mozza Burgers
Soup: Black Bean and Chorizo
Happening Arts & Crafts Fair is this weekend!!
Thank you to those staff and students who have volunteered their time. Students, please remember to arrive 10 to 15 minutes before your scheduled time so that you can sign in at the office and put on your volunteer shirt. Hope to see many of you shopping over the weekend!!
Planning 10 Students: There will be a WorkSafe BC presentation for Mr. Brekkaas’s and Mr. McAlister’s Planning 10 students during 3rd block this Monday, Nov. 28, in room 1065.
Key Club News: “The Giving Tree”
Key Club will be collaborating with RAK and FSO to present The Giving Tree. This event will run until December 9. There is a Christmas tree in the main entrance near the elevator. Please take a tag you like on the tree and bring in your present the next day with that tag. There will be people from our club to place it in the safe place to give it to children in need.
Attention Languages Students: The next multiculture seminar for December has now been posted. Please check for date/time in room 2145 and sign up ASAP. Make sure you check to see how many you need with your teacher.
Planning 10 Students: There will be a WorkSafe BC presentation for Mr. Brekkaas’s and Mr. McAlister’s Planning 10 students during 3rd block this Monday, Nov. 28, in room 1065.
Dissection in the Science Department: Attention all students there will be a beef heart dissection down in the science lab on Friday Nov 25 during 2nd and 3rd blocks.
Grad Hoodie Orders: Please be aware if you ordered anything in grey it will be “Sport Grey” like the samples, not “Charcoal Grey”. If you want to change your colour choice please see Mrs. Coghill by Friday at noon.
“What’s Next”: Michael Reimer from School Creative will be here to meet with students on December 14 at 12:30 pm in the Art Room. School Creative is a post secondary Art institution in Vancouver and their aim is to “empower creative individuals with the artistic and business skills required to work in todays’ competitive arts industry”. Anyone interested in Acting/Animation/Photography/Video games and Writing is welcome.
FRIENDLY REMINDER! Please place your messy, gooey FOOD-SOILED PLATES, FRENCH FRY BOATS, DONUT & PIZZA BOXES in the COMPOST BIN, not the paper/cardboard. Thanks!!
Super Smash Bros. 4 Tournament: December 7. See posters or Mr. Biggar for more information.
Attention skiers and boarders! If you have signed up for the Cypress and Big White trips this year, there will be an important meeting Tuesday Nov 29 at lunch in room 2010 (Mr. Williams’ room). Be there!
Grad Information:
Grad Portraits: Starting on December 1st, grads will be able to book their grad photography sessions online at Grad portraits take place here at THSS between January 9 – 14. Please note that there is a $20 sitting fee. Mountain West Studios is also offering a date for those grads who may not be able to get to grad photo sessions in January. Students can go to Mountain West Studios (6869 Merritt Ave., Burnaby) on December 7 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The online sign up for that session will be available Nov 7, 2016. *When booking this please book under school: SD42 (not the school you attend) Grad Write-Up: Email your grad write-up to before January 15th (note: 200 character limit). Baby Photos / Parent Tribute: Parents can have a tribute (300 character limit) and one baby or toddler photo added to the yearbook for $30.00. Tributes and photos should be emailed to with the student’s full name in the subject line. Payment is due no later than January 15. See p. 76 in the student planner for more information.
Volunteers needed: Volunteers are needed for Christmas Market on Dec. 3 @ 1pm. Please come to the Career Centre and speak to Mrs. Sekhon for more info or contact: 604-467-2420
Athletics Events:
- December 8 – 11: Grade 9 Boys’ Basketball to Prince George from Dec. 8 at 8:45 am until Dec. 11 at 12:00 pm (Curley)
Scholarships and University Applications:
- The UBC application deadline for early admission for the 2017 Winter Session is December 1, 2016. The final application deadline for the 2017 Winter Session is January 15, 2017.
- The TD scholarship application deadline is November 18, 2016. Go to the career website to get more info about this scholarship.
UBC Open House: UBC applied science open house on Nov 26 from 10am to 4pm. For more info please contact Mrs. Sekhon in the Career Centre or check THSS Career Website under Upcoming Events tab.
Intramurals: Every Monday and Wednesday until Dec 14 the main gym will be open for drop in Volleyball.
Badminton: Sign up sheets have now been posted:
Tournaments are 1) Grades 9 and 10 AND 2) Grades 11, 12 and teachers
Please sign up on the intramural board. Sheets will be taken down on Dec 12. The tournament will start in January.
Dates to Remember:
25 Report cards printed
26-27 THSS Craft Fair
30 Report Cards distributed
Upcoming Field Trips:
December 2: Outdoor Pursuits Lighthouse Park Hike 8:45 am – 4:00 pm (Jennings, Williams)
December 5: Outdoor Pursuits Hiking/Fishing 10:00 am – 4:00 pm (Hussey, McIntosh, Silvestri)
December 9: Outdoor Pursuits Seymour Snowshoe and Winter Survival Skills 8:30am – 4:30 pm (Jennings, Williams)
December 15: Cypress Ski Trip 2:45 pm – 10:15 pm (Fischer, Williams)
December 15: UBC Beaty Biodiversity Museum 8:30-2:30 (Hussey and student teachers: Carolyn Hey and Aldona Dziedziejko)
Planner Errors for November:
- 72 – Monday, December 12: this should be a collaboration schedule. TA starts at 9:30 am and the block order is (ABCD)