Friday: Turkey Bacon Ranch Melt
Soup: Chicken Noodle
Grad Info:Grad Gowns: see Mr. Clutchey in room 1110 to get measured for your grad gown The first dinner/ dance grad committee meeting will be Tuesday, February 21 at lunch in room 2145. Bring your ideas and your friends. Fees: If you have not yet paid your cap and gown fees, the deadline is February 28. If you’re not sure whether your fees have been paid, see Mrs. Shamro in the office or send her an email: Grad Transitions 12: At this point, your Grad Transitions assignments should be complete. Be sure to turn in any missing forms (exit interview, etc.) to your teacher ASAP. If your course is not done, you should be attending your fixed block every Friday. Attending a Post-Secondary School? Be sure that you have completed your PSI online form if you are planning to apply to post-secondary institutions. An early offer of admission doesn’t mean that you can skip this step because this is how post-secondary institutions confirm that you have graduated at the end of the year. Remember: it is your responsibility to ensure that your transcripts are sent to post-secondary institutions by their deadlines. Read letters and emails from PSIs to ensure that you don’t miss a step! Grade 12 students: Be sure that you’ve completed your PSI online form if you are planning to apply to a post-secondary institution. An early offer of admission does NOT mean that you can skip this step as this is how post-secondary institutions confirm that you have graduated at the end of the year. Remember: it is your responsibility to ensure that your transcripts are sent to post-secondary institutions by their deadlines. Read letters and e-mails from PSIs carefully to ensure you don’t miss a step! Scholarship Information: -The BC Government and Service Employees’ Union BCGEU is please to once again offer scholarships for post-secondary studies undertaken by BCGEU members, staff and their families. For details check education Applications must be submitted online by midnight on Sunday, March 12, 2017 -Save-On-Foods has partnered with UFCW Local 1518 to offer up to ten scholarships valued at $1,000 each to individuals who have played a significant role in diversity initiatives in their school and/or community. The online application for this scholarship is available on our Diversity Scholarship page at Applications must be received by May 1, 2017. See Mrs. Sekhon in the career center for more info. -The Cmolik Foundation scholarships to deserving BC students is also available. For the nomination and for more info check with Mrs. Sekhon in the career centre. -Stacey Levitt Memorial Award: see Mrs. Sekhon in the Career Centre for information on how to apply |
Assemblies for Friday, February 17:
9:50 am Grade 8s – Safe Online (SOLO) in the gym. This assembly is for all grade 8s. Please send students down to the gym after 1st block.
10:00 am Grades 11-12 – Life after Grad with Drew Scott in the Rotunda. This assembly is for all grade 11s and 12s. Drew will talk about life @ THSS in 1996 and life after graduation. Students will be encouraged to ask Drew questions.
Congratulations to our basketball teams! Our grade 8 and grade 9 boys are both in the Fraser Valley Championships this week – good luck!
Attention: Ms. von Krogh’s / Mr. Smith’s and Mr. Franz’s / Mr. Smith’s Science 9 blocks D and E blocks: Please see Mr. Smith in the Science Great Hall or Math Great Hall for important information.
Attention French Students: if you are interested in participating in the French Public Speaking competition this year, please see Mme Preddy to get more information
Ms. Fischer’s Spanish 11 classes: reminder that you must have nine guides completed for cut-off.
Attention Students on Mme Preddy’s List: Mme Preddy will be available for lunch time help in room 2145 on the following dates: Feb 20, 22 and 23. Come with your lunch and your French work.
Attention French and Spanish 12 Students: if you are currently taking French or Spanish 12 please see Ms. Fischer and Mrs. Preddy about the upcoming field trip to the Omnimax Theatre and Commercial Drive. Merci! Gracias!
PE Leadership for 2017 / 2018 (PE Student Aide): If you are interested in taking this course next year, please sign up on the sheets on the board next to the intramural board. Extra info is on the sign-up sheet. Space is limited. You will be notified by April 4 if you are accepted into the course.
Interested in Skiing or Boarding at Whistler? The THSS ski and board club has another trip planned: March 4th to Whistler. Come get more information and a permission form from Ms. Fischer or Mr. Williams. All levels welcome!
Post-Secondary Info: The Criminal Justice Student Association at UFV is hosting a large two-night event March 13 and 14 at 6:30. For more information see Mrs. Sekhon in the Career Ctr.
Library News
- The Battle of The Books is HERE! Read six amazing novels! Participate in book clubs with other THSS students! Gain glory and fame as we crush competitors from five other schools in April! For more details, see Mrs. Fulgueras in the library or visit! We are meeting on Mondays at lunch in the library. Please see Mrs. Fulgueras in the library for more information.
- Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Blind Date With a Book is coming to the THSS library until February 17th. Read a short “profile” and check out a wrapped library book that you might not otherwise select. Let us know how your “date” went and you’ll be entered to win a prize!
Junior Badminton Intramurals: The schedule has been edited on the intramural board and on the sheets in the main gym. The new dates are February 17 and 20. It’s playoffs so please check the schedule to see if and when you are playing
Dates to Remember:
February 20 TA starts at 9:30 am (no Y block)
February 20-21 Complimentary Carpentry
February 21 PAC Meeting 7:00 pm
February 23 Health and Safety 8:00 am
February 24 LAN Party (Biggar)
February 28 Last day to pay grad fees
Upcoming Field Trips:
February 15-17 Apex Trip departs 9:00 am Feb 15 and returns 5:00 pm Feb 17 (Connolly, Page, Tsang)
February 17 Minnekhada Hike 8:45 am – 3:00 pm (Jennings, Williams)
February 24 Seawall Hike 8:45 – 4:00 (Jennings, Williams)