2024-08-27 MYED schedules for students are activated. Students check their sd42 email for MyClass Password MYED schedules for students are activated. Students check their sd42 email for MyClass Password August 27 MYED schedules for students are activated. Students check their sd42 email for MyClass Password
11:30 am - 12:30 pm Orientation for new grade 9-12 students and for grade 8 students who missed the grade 7 day in May August 28 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Orientation for new grade 9-12 students and for grade 8 students who missed the grade 7 day in May
2024-09-03 School opens following summer holidays School opens following summer holidays September 3 School opens following summer holidays School opens following summer holidays.
2024-09-03 Introductory Day for Students Introductory Day for Students September 3 Introductory Day for Students
2024-09-10 Grade 8 assembly at Flex Grade 8 assembly at Flex September 10 Grade 8 assembly at Flex Grade 8 assembly at Flex
2024-09-11 Grade 9 assembly at Flex Grade 9 assembly at Flex September 11 Grade 9 assembly at Flex Grade 9 assembly at Flex
2024-09-13 Grade 10 assembly at Flex Grade 10 assembly at Flex September 13 Grade 10 assembly at Flex Grade 10 assembly at Flex
2024-09-16 Grade 11 assembly at Flex Grade 11 assembly at Flex September 16 Grade 11 assembly at Flex Grade 11 assembly at Flex
2024-09-17 Grade 12 assembly at Flex Grade 12 assembly at Flex September 17 Grade 12 assembly at Flex Grade 12 assembly at Flex
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Grade 8 student/parent self guided tour September 18 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Grade 8 student/parent self guided tour Grade 8 student/parent self guided tour
2024-09-24 Grade 8’s pancake breakfast Grade 8’s pancake breakfast September 24 Grade 8’s pancake breakfast Grade 8's pancake breakfast
2024-09-25 Grade 9’s pizza lunch Grade 9’s pizza lunch September 25 Grade 9’s pizza lunch Grade 9's pizza lunch
2024-09-26 Flex Hold for Truth and Reconciliation activities Flex Hold for Truth and Reconciliation activities September 26 Flex Hold for Truth and Reconciliation activities Flex Hold for Truth and Reconciliation activities
2024-09-26 Grade 10’s pizza lunch Grade 10’s pizza lunch September 26 Grade 10’s pizza lunch Grade 10's pizza lunch
2024-09-27 Flex Hold for Truth and Reconciliation activities Flex Hold for Truth and Reconciliation activities September 27 Flex Hold for Truth and Reconciliation activities Flex Hold for Truth and Reconciliation activities
2024-09-30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation National Day for Truth and Reconciliation September 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Statutory holiday. School not in session.
2024-10-01 Non-instructional day (school growth planning day) Non-instructional day (school growth planning day) October 1 Non-instructional day (school growth planning day) School not in session.
2024-10-02 Student Photo Retake Day Student Photo Retake Day October 2 Student Photo Retake Day Student Photo Retake Day
All day MYED schedules for students are activated. Students check their sd42 email for MyClass Password
August 28 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Orientation for new grade 9-12 students and for grade 8 students who missed the grade 7 day in May