Day 4- FEHG
Day 4- FEHG
Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary
Day 4- FEHG
Thursday February 20th, 2025: 1:45 pm Departure from SRT to Grouse. Departure from Grouse Mnt at 8:45 pm. Arrive SRT at 10:00 pm.
Day 1- ABCD
DRY GRAD PUB NIGHT - We are very excited to let grad families know that we have organized a pub night for Friday, February 21 at the Haney Public House. This is a great opportunity to fundraise for our dry grad events but also get parents together to have a fun evening. We are looking for donations […]
Day 1- ABCD
Day 2- EFGH
Day 3- BADC
Second report card published through MyClass
Paper copy of second report card sent home via homeroom class
Day 4- FEHG
Day 2- EFGH
Day 1- ABCD