Flex hold for grade 8’s (Tastebuds of Steel)
All grade 8s will be called down to the caf to watch
Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary
All grade 8s will be called down to the caf to watch
Table Tennis in Cafeteria
Day 3- BADC
Dear Parents/Guardians, Over the next three Wednesdays (November 20, 27, and December 4), the Grade 8 Leadership class will be collecting donations for the "Coins for Kids" fundraiser during morning drop-off. This initiative supports the Maple Ridge–Pitt Meadows Christmas Hamper Society, helping to create a memorable Christmas for financially disadvantaged families in our community. […]
Any grade 11 or 12 students interested in engineering or computer science, there will be a recruiter here from the University of Victoria at flex on Wednesday in the library. Alejandro is a 2014 SRT Grad who is here to answer all your questions!
Students attending the snowshoe trip up Mount Seymour should stop by the cafeteria after school Wednesday to see Ms Adams for a brief update on Thursdays trip. We will depart at 2:30 on Thursday.
Let Mr. D know if you cannot make it.
Day 4- FEHG
Students in the Outdoors Club are welcome to join an evening snowshoe trek to Brockton Point or Lookout Point on Thursday, November 28th. This is a winter hiking route which is mostly lit, but is out of Mount Seymour Ski Resort boundaries. Students will depart SRT at the end of the school day, meeting in the […]
Day 1- ABCD
The order form for Shop Funds gift cards along with cash/cheque must be submitted to the office by November 29. From the list you will see that anywhere from 2-10% will come directly back to our dry grad. As the holiday season is right around the corner, please consider ordering gift cards and/or letting friends/family […]