Parking around the School Property
Safety in our parking lots and around the school is a concern to us all. Please follow the guidelines below (and share them with anyone who drops off/ picks up your child) to keep everyone in our community safe!
- Please avoid parking in the school parking lot (west end of the school) whenever possible – it is already a very busy area at the start and end of school with staff and students coming and going.
- Please respect the staff parking areas by:
- NOT parking in any stall marked with any form of staff ‘connotation’ on the pavement
- not parking in any area blocked off with a cone
- not parking parallel to the building behind any staff vehicles (essentially, blocking them in)
- Please do NOT park on the street corners and be careful not to block driveways of not only the school entrance/exits, but also any of the homes adjacent to the school. We have received several complaints from our neighbours that they are not able to see backing out and we have had a few ‘near misses’. Our city bylaws state that you cannot park within 3 metres (9 feet) of a driveway.
- Please do not park in the drop off lane in front of the school at the east-end. This is our secondary staff parking area and the lane itself is for traffic to circulate, with short stops to let students out of the car quickly.
- Please respect any and all no parking areas – this includes the crosswalks and the bus only parking areas (marked by signage) right in front of the school.
There is plenty of parking on nearby streets just a short walk away from the school where you could pre-arrange to meet your student.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation of this important safety matter.