The following are GRAD FUNDRAISERS currently being run by your PMSS Grad Committee in support of the 2025 Dry Grad:
- Stay tuned for info regarding a fundraiser from Neufeld Farms Frozen Foods – info should be coming out in April.
- Grad Parents & Friends Pub Night Fundraiser (Friday, April 4th) – details went out on the Parent Portal on January 24th. Tickets are now FOR SALE at the PMSS office and will sell out quickly so don’t delay if you plan on attending this fun event! February 24th update: only 40 tickets left so don’t hesitate if you’re planning on attending!
- Earth Cleaning Products (ongoing fundraiser): Enclosed is the link to directly purchase Tru-Earth Cleaning Products. Tru-Earth products are good cleaning products that are environmentally friendly with minimal packaging. Our Grad class will receive 20% of the proceeds sold from the enclosed website. This fundraiser will be ongoing. Please consider supporting Dry Grad.
- Your Grad Committee has set up a Return It Account at Pitt Meadows Recycling where you can drop off and donate bottles/cans. The items must be in a CLEAR plastic bag, note the account number (7677472325 – pmssgrad25) on a piece of paper or sticker and attach it to the bag.
- (NEW) Domino’s Pizza Cards: Now selling on the Parent Portal at the low, low price of $10 per card. What does this get you?
(1) Every card entitles the purchaser to one Large One-topping Pizza (pick up only) for FREE (essentially…this covers the cost of the card);
(2) In addition, every card has several Buy One Get One Free Deal stickers on the back.
(3) This is a win-win for both the Grads and the purchaser
• The portal order form will be open until the end of the day on Friday, January 31st (collect orders from family and friends and place as one order). ** Be sure to enter the correct quantity needed on the order form.
• The cards will be delivered to the school for distribution on Friday, February 7th
• The expiry date on the cards is December 31, 2026 so plenty of time to pick up the FREE pizza and purchase the BOGO deals! If you have any questions on this Grad fundraiser, please email organizer Cheri at directly. - We have once again organized a Meridian Gift Card sale as a fundraiser for our Dry Grad Event. 30% of the proceeds come back directly to the school! The Meridian Meat gift cards are available in $20 and $100 denominations. The online gift cards do NOT expire and are valid for online purchases only. You have the option to pick up your food order from the Meridian Meat location of your choice; they will deliver for a $5 fee or delivery is free for purchases of $100. We ask you to amalgamate and streamline your sales as much as possible rather than trying to submit each sale separately (to make things easier for our accounting clerk). In other words, if your friends and family buy $300 worth of gift cards, you collect the money from them and then submit one order on the portal. The portal form disappears once you have submitted it once so it’s not possible to add to your order.
- Students are welcome to come and pick-up a paper ledger and order form from Organizer Mme Simard in the library if that is easier for you.
- All paper order forms, and online orders must be submitted by March 1, 2025. It takes approximately a week for the gift cards to arrive.
- (NEW) Amsterdam Garden Centre Gift Cards – available in denominations of $25, $50 and $100. On the Parent Portal for purchase now, order deadline is March 14, 2025.
** Please see the links above if you would like to support our Graduates. Please note that you may have to cut and paste them into your browser.
Don’t forget to join the PMSS Grad 2025 facebook group where we share all things ‘grad’!
Our next PARENT GRAD COMMITTEE MEETING is scheduled for Tuesday, January 21st at 7:00 p.m. We will meet in Room 1004. New members are always welcome!
There will also be a GRAD PARENT PUB NIGHT ORGANIZATION MEETING at 6:00 p.m. on the same evening for any parent able and willing to help with this fun evening (which is historically, our biggest fundraiser).
Grade 12’s – mark your calendar to attend the SD42 Awards and District Authority Awards information session next Thursday, January 23 at FLEX in Miss Kim’s Room (1041) where we will be going over the SD42 Awards booklet (that just came out) and the application process. The booklet can be found on the website as well as on the SD42 website under students/scholarships. The deadline to submit SD42 Awards and District Authority Awards, with portfolios, to the Career Centre is Thursday, March 13 by 3:00 p.m. (late submissions will NOT be accepted).
PMSS Valedictory Ceremony Details are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2025
Where: Chandos Pattison Auditorium at Pacific Academy, 10238 – 168 Street, Surrey
Time(s): Grads to arrive by 3:30 p.m. for rehearsal
Grad Group Photo at 4:00 p.m.
Doors open for families at 4:15 p.m.
Ceremony starts promptly at 5:00 p.m. and will last approx. 2 hours
** there is no reserved seating and tickets will NOT be sold at the door.
** families/guests will NOT be able to enter the building prior to 4:15 p.m. so you can either wonder the grounds or drop off your Graduate and return. We ask that all guests arrive and be seated no later than 4:50 p.m. as the Ceremony itself starts promptly at 5:00 p.m.
** we strongly encourage carpooling as parking fills up quickly
** there is a limited number of wheelchair accessible spots at the back of the main/orchestra level. Please indicate on the portal form if you require one of those spots. We will advise where you are to enter the building to avoid the busy main door congestion.
Dinner/Dance & Dry Grad: Friday, May 23rd…more details to follow at a later date