The Pitt Meadows Secondary Code of Conduct aims to create a safe, caring, inclusive, and orderly environment. The Code of Conduct applies to all members of the school community whether in school, traveling to and from school, participating in a school-sponsored activity or activities that impact the school.
The Code of Conduct
- encourages healthy, and socially responsible behaviour
- fosters a safe, inclusive, and harassment-free learning environment for all students, teachers, and parents
- establishes positive behavioural expectations for the entire school population
General Expectations
Students are expected to respect other students, staff, and the community. Students should conduct themselves responsibly and contribute to a safe and inclusive school climate. Students should strive to reach their potential by attending classes, being on time, and participating actively. As per the School District’s graduation expectations policy, grade 12 students may not be eligible to attend their graduation ceremony after 60 missed periods or 15 days of unexcused absences. Classroom disruptions that interfere with teaching and learning will be addressed by the teacher and, if the behaviour continues, by an administrator. Students are expected to practice conscientious use of technology on or off school ground. Incidences of vandalism show a lack of respect for the school community and will be dealt with accordingly.
Cell Phones
At Pitt Meadows Secondary School students will not be permitted to use personal digital devices during instructional time. Personal digital devices are expected to be stored in lockers during instructional time. The use of personal digital devices will be determined by each classroom teacher to support the teaching and learning activities that will occur in the classroom. Teachers can ask students to store cell phones in the classroom (ie. Pocket charts behind teacher’s desk, etc.) during instructional time in fitting with their requirements in the classroom if they will be using them as a learning tool.
The use of personal digital devices during instructional time will be permitted to support inclusion and accessibility to learning such as: digital literacy, communication, medical and health needs and as defined by an individual education plan.
Supporting our students to use technology appropriately is a shared responsibility of the home and the school. If a student is unable to follow school-wide expectations for their personal digital device during instructional time then potential school-based interventions may be implemented:
- Phone will be held in the office until the end of the day.
- Parental/caregiver contact made, and phone dropped off in the office at the start of the day and picked up at the end of the day or for a predetermined amount of time.
- Student expected to keep phone at home.
Dates for discussion:
- PAC Consultation: May 27th, 2024
- Staff Consultation: May 29th, June 3rd, and June 6th
- Student Consultation: May 31, 2024
Dress Code
The school district is committed to providing students with learning environments that are safe, responsive, and inclusive. The district recognizes that decisions about dress reflect individual expression of identity, socio-cultural norms, and that they are personal.
Students may attend school and school-related functions in dress of their choice provided that their choices:
- Conform with established health and safety requirements for the intended activity;
- Do not represent or promote weapons, gang culture, alcohol or drugs;
- Use respectful language;
- Do not depict or promote violence, racism, sexism or discrimination; and
- Are not intimidating to others.
Ultimately, the school administration has the responsibility to apply the dress guidelines when necessary. If any person dresses in an inappropriate manner, the student should be advised personally and discretely and given an opportunity to meet school district guidelines.
Pitt Meadows Secondary School’s approach to Code of Conduct Violations
- Students’ infractions will be dealt with in a fair, balanced, and consistent manner.
- Consequences will be adapted to fit individual situations.
- Interventions will be preventative, restorative and/or punitive.’
- Students will be encouraged to participate in the restorative process.
- Students who commit serious violations may have to change or alter an educational program, be suspended, transferred, or, may be contacted by the local police.
- Reasonable steps will be taken to shield students from retaliation if they witnessed and/or reported disciplinary issues.
- Parents or guardians will be contacted for serious Code of Conduct violation.
- School officials reserve the right to contact other parents, outside agencies and/or the police to maintain a safe, caring, and inclusive environment.
School District No.42 and PMSS Expectations
The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows school district and PMSS have a zero-tolerance policy on weapons in school. All weapons or instruments resembling a weapon are strictly prohibited on school grounds. Moreover, the use, possession, or sale of fireworks is a serious concern and consequences for violating this rule will range from suspension to expulsion.
The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows school district and PMSS prohibit the use, possession, or sale of intoxicants on school grounds or during school-sponsored events. The consumption of intoxicants before or during a school-sponsored event is proscribed. Consequences for violating this rule will range from suspension to expulsion.
The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows school district and PMSS prohibits the use or sale of vaping products, tobacco, or chewing tobacco on school grounds. Consequences may include confiscation of the product as well as communication with parents or guardians. In some instances, suspension may result from such actions, especially for repeat offenders.
The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows school district and PMSS considers intimidation, harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, and acts of violence by anyone to be a serious breach of the school’s Code of Conduct. Such behaviours are unacceptable in a school setting and will be dealt with accordingly by the school administrators. Consequences may range from in-school suspension to expulsion if the behaviour continues.
The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows school district and PMSS expects students to work out their differences in a non-violent manner. Students are encouraged to seek out an adult or a student-leader to help mediate potential conflicts. Students involved in fighting in a class, hallway, school grounds or while under the jurisdiction of the school will open themselves to severe consequences. Moreover, students who watch, encourage, promote, film and post fights on social media will be reprimanded severely.
Pitt Meadows Secondary is a school where everyone can learn in a safe, caring, and inclusive environment. PMSS expects students to respect each other and act in a way that promotes diversity and encourages healthy relationships. Students who harass, bully, or intimidate others will open themselves to serious consequences, ranging from restoration projects to possible suspension. In grievous cases, the RCMP may be contacted.
The following behaviours are considered harassment at PMSS
- gossiping, spreading malicious rumours on or off-line, giving ‘dirty’ looks, encouraging social ridicule, public embarrassment, and /or taunting
- writing and sending unwanted and inappropriate messages
- producing hurtful graffiti targeting an individual or a group
- condescending treatment that undermines another student’s self-respect
- teasing, name-calling, insulting, and/or telling inappropriate jokes
- withdrawing friendship, isolating, rejecting, excluding, and/or ‘freezing out’
- giving unwanted and uninvited sexual attention, particularly when it is intimidating, hostile, or offensive
The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows school district and PMSS take plagiarism and academic dishonesty very seriously. Plagiarism is defined as the use or close imitation of the language or ideas of others and the representation of those ideas as one’s own. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, giving and/or receiving aid during an examination when explicitly prohibited by the teacher in charge or use other means to gain an advantage. Academic dishonesty also includes any deceptive actions meant to meet learning outcomes or graduation requirement in a way not prescribed by the teacher. For both plagiarism and academic dishonesty, parents or guardians will be contacted.
Consequences for Plagiarism and / or Academic Dishonesty may include
- contacting parents or guardians
- receiving no mark for the assignment
- rewriting the test or assignment
- writing a different test or assignment
- meeting with administration (at this stage, other consequences may be given)
The decision to suspend a student in school or from school is never taken lightly. When possible, administrators will try to find constructive and restorative solutions to lessen the impact on the student’s education. However, some situations require more other consequences, especially if:
- the behaviour the student exhibited is in direct opposition to the Code of Conduct;
- the educational climate in the school is in jeopardy if the behaviour is not stopped;
- the resources are such that in-school consequences are not possible;
- the student interferes with the teaching or learning process;
- the student is a repeat offender and has already received previous consequences;
- the student needs outside resources (counseling agencies);
- the student needs time away from school to review his/her commitment to learning
The following discipline options have been used and are currently in place at Pitt Meadows Secondary School
- loss of privilege in areas of the school
- detentions at lunch or after school
- meetings with school counseling staff
- parent meetings
- mediation meetings between students, parents and administration
- schedule changes or reduction of courses
- full or partial day in-school suspension
- full Suspension
- transfer to another school
- R.C.M.P. intervention when required by law
Moreover, in some instances where school officials believe a violation of the code of conduct has occurred, searching a student or his/her belongings may be necessary.
The following are examples of what may constitute reasonable grounds in this context
- information believed to be credible received from a student, parent, teacher, and/or police
- a teacher’s or administrator’s observation
- any combination of sources of information that the principal or vice-principal considers to be credible
- where the principal, vice-principal or designate has reasonable grounds to believe a school rule has been or is being violated and that a search will produce evidence of that violation and the principal, vice-principal or designate intends to conduct a search of a student or their possessions, the following guidelines will be followed:
- before the search begins, the student will be notified why the administrator believes a search is necessary
- the search will be conducted in a private area respecting the rights of the student to be treated fairly (except lockers which must be searched in hallways)
- a second adult will be present for the search
- where reasonably possible a search will be conducted by a person of the same gender as the student and
- a reasonable attempt will be made to contact the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) prior to the search
Respect for Human Rights
In fostering a community of respect, inclusion, fairness and equity, we expect persons to not discriminate based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age.
The Human Rights Codes [RSBC 1996, c210] will be respected.
Excerpt from Section 7 Discriminatory publication:
7 (1) A person must not publish, issue or display, or cause to be published, issued or displayed, any
statement, publication, notice, sign, symbol, emblem, or other representation that
(a) indicates discrimination or an intention to discriminate against a person, a group, or class of persons, or
(b) is likely to expose a person or a group or class of persons to hatred or contempt
Excerpt from Section 8 Discrimination in accommodation, service, and facility:
8 (1) A person must not, without a bona fide and reasonable justification,
(a) deny to a person or class of persons any accommodation, service or facility customarily available to the public, or
(b) discriminate against a person or class of persons regarding any accommodation, service or facility customarily available to the public.
Should you wish clarification on any articles of the Code of Conduct please contact Pitt Meadows Secondary 604-465-7141.