Congratulations to Conner Turnbull for placing 7th in the BC High School Decathon Championship – 10 gruelling events, ending in a 1.5km run which he completed in under 5 minutes, a nearly 3 metre pole vault and 12 metre shotput were just some of the highlights. Congratulations to the Senior Girls Rugby team for defeating LV Rodgers 55-0 to claim 7th place at the provincials! Outstanding season team! Are you writing a novel? Are you interested in publishing a piece you have written? Come to the library today at Flex to hear a young author here in our school. Brad has a brief reading as well as some details as to publishing with Amazon – everyone welcome! It is Filipino Heritage Month. The traditional field dance, Tinikling will be taught on Thursday at Flex in the library – everyone welcome. Rainbow Connection meets at Flex today with Grad Committee, General Politics and Circle of Indigenous Youth meeting at lunch today. There is a Track & Field practice after school today at 3:00pm for all relay athletes and team members.