Ridge Wrestling won the Seaforth Cup this Saturday at the Seaforth Armory on Burrard Street. The building, which is over 100 years old, was an amazing venue for a wrestling meet with over 250 wrestlers from 40 different schools. This very classy tournament was put on by the Canadian military and organized by Mike Roselli of Vancouver College. Vancouver College was the winner of the first two years of this tournament. First place finishers were Linden Sinow-Horton, Callum Ross, Ethan Corney and Sophia Stark. Second place was won by Damon Deane-Freeman. Third place was won by Tyson Deane-Freeman, Travis Schultz, Jeremiahz Sosnowski and Eva Fuller. Fourth place finishers were Bella Berner, Margot Nielsen, Jackson Van’t Hullenaar and Levi Tosoni. Great job by all 26 wrestlers who came to this meet!