There will be a short organizational meeting at lunch today for all students wishing to join man’s oldest and greatest sport – join us in the Wrestling room and join our BC High School Champion Wrestling Squad! Also meeting at lunch today: Sun Peaks Ski and Snowboard info meeting in the drama room; Model United Nations in the library; Improv in the Drama room; Rainbow Connections in 1031. Good luck to our Grade 8 & 9 Boys Soccer team as they defend their unbeaten record as they take on SRT at 3:30. Student Price Cards are on sale at the Caf ‘eh for only $10 – get amazing deals, offers and coupons.
Advance Notice:
Grade 9 students are reminded of the Careers 9 meeting tomorrow at Flex for all Grade 9 students. “Endorsed” students applying to the VolunTeen program are reminded to submit their paperwork to the Career Centre or Ms. Trudeau’s mailtray by Flex on Friday. There will be a meeting on Friday at lunch in the small gym for any Grade 9 Girls interested in playing basketball this year.