The first meeting of the Aboriginal Leadership Club is today at lunch in room 2109. Anyone interested in creating a cultural experience for secondary students across the district is welcome to join. Any cadets who would like to be a part of our Remembrance Day assembly are asked to meet in the library conference room at Flex. There is an important Swim team meeting at lunch in the office. We need to pick events for the swim meet. Also meeting at lunch today is Environmental Club in room 2108. After school today: it’s Table Tennis Tuesday – meet in room 1030; Grade 9 & 10 Badminton practice in the small gym; Senior Girls Field Hockey game at 3:30 – last home game; Senior Girls Volleyball team take on Terry Fox at 6pm and PAC meeting at 7pm in the library. Early wake up tomorrow for Wrestling team members for 7:30am training session – meet in the PE hallway.