Today we host a Spirit Event during Tutorial for all students. We’ll be calling you down by grade so listen up for instruction. Applications for the Youth Firefighting Academy are due in the Career Centre today – hand yours in to either Ms. Domitruk or Ms. Trudeau or to their mailtrays. Meeting at lunch today in the library is the Graphic Novel, Animation and Comic Book Club. Creating Change will meet next on Monday morning. Grads are invited to check out the grad clothing logo and cast your vote before 8am on Monday. Grade 9 & 10 Boys interested in playing basketball are invited to open gym on Tuesday and Wednesday nights at 8pm in the main gym. Grade 12s are encouraged to purchase a Grad Mystery Night ticket before next Friday – we have a limit of 150 tickets so don’t be disappointed – get yours at lunch outside room 1117 for only $50 for a night packed full of fun.