Our Breakfast program is up and running every Tuesday and Thursday morning before school. If you need some breakfast or perhaps just a snack, come down to the caf and get the fuel you need to set you up for the day. The Circle of Indigenous Youth & Allies Class and Club are meeting at lunch today in the library and the Coding Club meets in room 2026 – new members welcome. Grads, check your Grad Teams page to vote for this year’s 2024 grad gear logo. The deadline to cast your vote is Monday September 25th at 8:00am. Also starting on September 23rd grad photo appointments can be made with Mountain West Studios at www.mountainwest.ca. The sitting fee is $35. Be prepared to use a credit card to pay this fee when making your appointment. Applications for the Youth Firefighting Academy are due on Friday – get all the information you need from either Ms. Trudeau or Ms. Domitruk in the Careers Centre.