A huge congratulations to the Junior Boys Lacrosse team for their 15 – 7 victory over cross town rivals, SRT/Garibaldi. Both Quinn Mulcahy and Nathan Bonner had some huge saves in net. Callum Olson, Cody Todd and Carter Dowsley had three goals each while Carter Smith led the team in assists. Highlight of the game was the end to end goal by long pole Brendan Marcher. Well done team! Students planning on attending VMUN need to attend a mandatory meeting at Flex today in the library. Also meeting at Flex today is Rainbow Connection in the drama room. Careers 9 students last names E-K meet at Flex today in the caf. Intramural handball starts today at. lunch in the gym. Aboriginal Leadership club meets at lunch in the library. Ridge’s newest club, our Astronomy Club starts on Thursday at lunch and everyone interested is welcome to join in.