Aboriginal Leadership students meet today at Flex in room 1118 and Aurora Senior Choir members are reminded of their rehearsal in the Choir room also at Flex. Meeting at lunch today is the General Politics Club in the library. The Investment Strategies Club meet online at 3:30. Good luck to our Senior Lacrosse team who take on Mission at 3:15 on the Karina LeBlanc field – fans are very welcome to come cheer them on to victory! Our newest club, the Vex Robotics club begin meeting on Wednesday after school and at Flex on Friday in the metal shop. Grads are encouraged to come out and help raise money for their Dry Grad prizes. Volunterr slots are only 2 hours each. Every grad that participates in any form of dry grad fundraising will receive an entree into an exclusive draw at dry grad. They can just come and see me for more information and to sign up for a 2 hour slot. (We will provide snacks and lunch!!)