Welcome to Dr. Rollo Dilworth, Holy Cross Secondary School, and St. Thomas Moore Choirs to MRSS! Our Choir Program will be hosting a large masterclass this morning in the Drama Room for our aspiring young singers. Grade 12 students with last names beginning H-N have a Career 12 seminar in the caf at Flex. Meeting at lunch today are the Astronomy Club and the Video Games Club. There is movie company renting the student lot adjacent to the gym until next Tuesday. We will be out directing go students to park opposite the auto shop, at the daycare, or on the street. Sorry for the short notice. Grads are reminded to advise Mr. Page or Mrs. Domitruk of any and all scholarships, awards or bursaries so we can celebrate your successes at our grad ceremony. The final day to purchase Banquet and Dance tickets is this Friday, May 26 by the end of lunch – there can also be no seating changes after this time.