Congratulations to the Junior Boys Rugby team for a great game against Charles Best. Trys were scored by Justin, Kwaku, and Linden! Tomorrow morning we host our February and March Student of the Month Award presentation at 7:30am in the cafeteria. At Flex today we have meetings for: Crescente Junior Choir and an Alto Sectional in the Choir room and Rainbow Connection in the Drama room. All athletes competing in Chehalis on Friday are asked to meet with Coach Lenton in Portable 4 at Flex. Jazz Band students, a correction to the pickup schedule for our SD42 Music Festival – be ready to depart MRSS during lunchtime. The bus will be here at 12pm with Mr. Weingartner to pick you up out front with your instruments, music, and all belongings during the lunch break today. Meeting at lunch today: Grad Committee in room 1117, General Politics Club in the library conference room, and the Circle of Indigenous Youth in the library conference room. Badminton practices Monday-Thursday from 3:00-5:30 in the main gym and Grade 8s Tuesday-Thursday in the small gym from 3:00-4:00. There is a Track & Field practice today after school. Grade 12 International students are reminded of the photo shoot tomorrow at lunch in room 2006. Drag Racing team members are asked to meet with Mr. Neumeyer at Flex tomorrow.