Come check out Rock Band performing today in the courtyard at lunch. Staff are reminded of the staff BBQ at lunch today. The Fly Fishing Club meets at Flex today in room 2108, Doubles Play in our Crokinole tournament in the library at lunch, the Video Games Club meets in room 2013 at lunch and the Astronomy Club also meets at lunch in the library. Ball Hockey practice today after school in the lacrosse box. Student Council members are reminded to meet after school today to set up for tomorrow’s Minute to Win It at lunch in the cafeteria. Orders for Ridge Custom Colour Sweaters have arrived, pick up at lunch in the cafeh LINK Crew applications are due tomorrow to Mrs. Collyer or Mr. Toupin. Students making payment for AP Exams need to do so before the end of the day tomorrow – bring your payments to the office. Track & Field practices begin right after Spring Break on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.