The MRSS physics Olympics team participated in the 47th annual competition at UBC on Saturday. 81 teams from BC high schools competed in six different challenging events over the day. Thank you to this year’s team for your fantastic teamwork and dedication. Student Learning Surveys and Tutorial Hold have been postponed – regular Tutorial today. Scholarship packages are due to the Career Centre today. Grade 9 & 10 students interested in joining LINK Crew next year are asked to attend a meeting today at Tutorial in the small gym. Meeting at lunch are the Astronomy Club & Grad Committee. There is also a meeting at lunch for Girls interested in Ball Hockey at lunch in the small gym. Grads are also reminded that tomorrow and Thursday at lunch we will be asking you to check your name spelling, photo and grad write-up for yearbook: Tuesday last names A-M and Thursday N-Z. Reminder to all Grade 12s, there’s a Captone Seminar this Wednesday during tutorial. This is a mandatory meeting that focuses on the requirements needed for the Capstone Project.