Intramurals continue today on the turf. It’s AssessAbility Week and the WINGS classroom have put together Kahoots for all students with the themes, “Communication at MRSS” and “Social Justice”. Check out the bulletin board by the staff room for all the information. Prizes include: 1st $20 lunch at the cafeteria; 2nd $15 and 3rd $5 vouchers for the Penalty bBox, Ram Shop and/or Caf’EH. Did you order a custom colour RIDGE sweater?? They have arrived and can be picked up anytime today from 11:15 to 2:45 pm at the Caf’EH or Ms. Trudeau’s classroom #1031. Enjoy cold, delicious, Nestlé ice cream sandwiches and drumsticks at the Penalty Box every day. In addition to slushies and ice cream floats, screamers are now available too! Yes! Screamers are ice cream mixed into a slushie.