Handball Intramurals have been postponed until further notice, however, sign up this week in the PE hallway for all Grade 8 & 9 students wanting to play Badminton intramurals. A reminder for students to visit the display case outside the metal shop this week to view and vote for the metal bridges welded by the senior engineering students. Take a guess at which one you think will bear the most weight and vote for the bridge you think will be the strongest by scanning the QR code. Meeting after school today are the Robotics Club in room 1227 and the Investment Strategies Club online at 3:30. Mountain West Studios are offering a grad retake day in their Burnaby studio on Saturday, January 23. This is your only chance for a retake. If you need a retake or have yet to get your grad photo taken, sign up online at: www.mountainwest.ca/ under MWS grad.