Grad photo package orders may be in the office for grads to collect. If your parent ordered, come see if we have it – if not, please call Mountain West Studios. Grad RETAKES are now available to view online. Over the weekend, we’re asking grads to self report their height measurement from the floor to the top of their head (in cm please) and submit that number with your $50 grad fee to Mr. Beale asap please. Today at lunch we launch our newest club in the library: MedUnity. All grades are welcome to come check it out – their focus is exploring health science and promoting physical health in ourselves and our community. The Graphic Novel Club meets in the library at lunch. If you’re interested in participating in the University of Waterloo’s Math Competition, Mr. Ristea will be opening his classroom at lunch on Tuesdays to practice and prepare – everyone welcome. If you’re interested in a possible career in Law Enforcement, join us for Pop with a Cop and come chat with the Mounties at Tutorial on Monday.