Grade 9, 10 & 11 students who signed up for the Waterloo Math Contests should report to room 1028 immediately at the start of first period. Mr. Robinson will be presenting in the library today to share his story, acknowledging Black history and creating allyship. Ms. Patterson’s Block H English class meet at Tutorial in room 1228 for Careers. Meeting at lunch today are Model United Nations in the library and the Crochet and Knitting Circle in the office of 1110. Students interested in joining our Track.& Field team are invited to a meeting tomorrow at lunch in Mr. Thomas’s room 2028 – no experience necessary. If you love to run, jump, throw or have ninja skills, this is the place for you! There is a meeting tomorrow at Tutorial for any students interested in playing golf – new members very welcome – meet in room 1232. And, Anyone interested in an MRSS Automotive Club should meet tomorrow in the Auto shop (1228) at Tutorial.