Good luck to our Senior Boys Basketball team who take on cross-town rivals Pitt Meadows Secondary tonight at 7pm at Thomas Haney – the winner of this game will be going to the provincials. Come out and cheer our boys on to victory. There is an Elder talk today at Tutorial in the Indigenous Education room (1119). Mme Simon, District Principal for French Immersion, will host a meeting for current Grade 10 & 11 French Immersion students continuing in the program next year who might be interested in traveling to France during Spring Break 2026. Staff and students are encouraged to join us at Tutorial on Wednesday as Mr. Robinson makes a presentation for Black History Month – meet us in the library. Ms. Patterson’s G block English class meets at Tutorial in room 1228 for Careers. Fiction Addiction meets at lunch in the library. There is no Student Council Meeting today. Join us tomorrow in the Library during Tutorial for a conversation with Mr. Robinson about acknowledging Black history and creating allyship.