Today we host Spring Sing at 3pm and at 7pm in the Choir room – tickets are $5 at the door – join us for an evening of impressive talent! Mr. Lenton’s Block D English class meet at Tutorial in room 1228. Rainbow Connection meet today at Tutorial in room 2007. Meeting at lunch are the Graphic Novel Club in the library and MedUnity in the library and Dungeon & Dragons after school in room 2114. On Tuesday, Mme Simon, District Principal for French Immersion, will host a meeting for current Grade 10 & 11 French Immersion students continuing in the program next year who might be interested in traveling to France during Spring Break 2026. This is an initial information meeting for students that will be followed by a family meeting hosted at Pitt Meadows Secondary School on March 6th in the evening. Interested students are asked to please meet in the cafeteria at tutorial on February 25th to learn more!