This is the last week for photo submissions for yearbook. Grads get your formal, buddy, hobby and pet photos to Mr. Kraus using the app or email ( For a full list of the photos we are seeking, visit the Grad Teams pages. It’s also the last week for feature grad pages. If you didn’t order a yearbook but would like to be placed on the waitlist, see Mr. Kraus in room 2028. Anti-Racism Committee at lunch in the library. Robotics meet after school today in room 1227 and Investment Strategies Club online at 3:30. Only 3 more days to order your Ridge custom colour sweater at the Caf’EH. The cafeteria is closed today as we begin Q4 so get your personal pizza for only $5 while quantities last or a delicious, freshly toasted bagel with Philadelphia cream cheese from the Caf’EH.