Congratulations to the Girls Rugby team for defeating Semiahmoo – player of the game was Kate Jordison! Grad Banquet and Dance ticket sales take place at lunch every day in room 117 – tickets are $100. There is an important meeting on Thursday, April 20 in room 1117 during Flex for all grads interested in the role of Valedictorian at this year’s grad ceremony. Meeting at Flex today are: Grade 9s with last names beginning O-Z have a Careers 9 seminar in the caf; Aurora Soprano/Alton sectional in the choir room; and Fly Fishing Club in r00, 2108. Grads are invited to the media room (1232) at lunch today for a photo shoot if their work their post-secondary sweater or colours; Astronomy club in the library; and Video Games Club in room 2013. LINK Crew applicants can pick up their acceptance letters from Mrs. Collyer or Mr. Toupin today.