Congratulations to the following MRSS 2020 Grads who have been awarded UVic scholarships for the 2020-2021 academic year!
University of Victoria Entrance Scholarship: Lily Ahern, Sophia Della, Matthew Gordon, Kelsey Little, Kylea Mikolay, Emma Scotland, Sharin Shahnazi and….
University of Victoria Excellence Scholarship: Olivia Ekman, Charolette Elphick, Alayna Hucul, Brody Patterson, Sophia Scarcella and …
Amy Penney: 50th Anniversary Humanities Entrance Scholarship, Aldyen Hamber Entrance Scholarship; Excellence in Math Scholarship, and UVic Excellence Scholarship and …
Amanda Reaume: 50th Anniversary Social Sciences Entrance Scholarship & UVic Excellence Scholarship and…
Noah Said: Faculty of Engineering: Dean’s Entrance Scholarship and UVic Excellence Scholarship
Congratulations Ramblers!