Today is the final in-school opportunity to purchase Yearbooks for the early bird price of $55 – this price continues until the end of the month for parent portal orders with the price increasing to $60 November 1st. Meeting at lunch: Outdoor Club in room MC1040, Slam in the library, Chess Club in MC1036. Today is the last day for Grade 8 students to sign up for Dodgeball in the PE hallways. Open gym after school today in the small gym for Grade 8 Boys Basketball. The Model United Nations Club is fundraising, selling Domino’s pizza cards at lunch tomorrow and Friday – only $10 and 10 free pizzas with each card. Fly Fishing Club meets after school in room 2108. Junior Badminton practice today in the annex gym from 3:00-5:00. ADVANCE NOTICE: All girls interested in playing Basketball are invited to open gym tomorrow after school.